Feature request - New option


New Member
Add count of cores listbox, used while encoding.
Capturing performance makes me sad, it is very low with comparision of MSI Afterburner, for example.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Capturing performance? What are you using to capture? You should be using window/game capture for capturing of games, sounds like you're using monitor capture or something if you're having bad performance.

Also the number of cores used for x264 can sort of be changed via "threads=[number]" in x264 custom settings.


Town drunk
I could be wrong, but I *think* he means something like how MSI Afterburner displays your system performance, but I'm not sure.


New Member
Jim said:
Capturing performance? What are you using to capture? You should be using window/game capture for capturing of games, sounds like you're using monitor capture or something if you're having bad performance.

Game capture was used, checked with apps @ 40-60 fps, source resolution 1920*1200, resized downto 960*600.
Rig Intel 3770k+ATI 5970+RAID 0. Recorded videos stuttering and freezing.

Jim said:
Also the number of cores used for x264 can sort of be changed via "threads=[number]" in x264 custom settings.

Thats good, but not enough transparent.


Forum Moderator
x264 uses all logical cores by default. There is no need to change anything. You are more likely running into a bug, system incompatibility, or (most likely) incorrectly configured stream. Stop jumping to premature conclusions. Post your log please.


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You'll have to show me a log file of your performance issue.


New Member
Muf said:
x264 uses all logical cores by default. There is no need to change anything. You are more likely running into a bug, system incompatibility, or (most likely) incorrectly configured stream. Stop jumping to premature conclusions. Post your log please.

1. I do not want to use the entire processor for encoding.
2. Just written suggestion.
3. Why i got 30 FPS limit in game when capture enabled? I want back my 60 fps, but video must have 30 FPS.
4. Why i always must to see that window? I want checkbox "Never show me that 5hit again" =)

5. Test stream log, writing to disk only Result https://v3r.su/common/_OBS_stream.mp4
6. Test stream log, writing to disk + streaming Result https://v3r.su/common/_OBS_stream1.mp4
7. Same piece written by afterburner, higher bitrate, look at FPS at right top corner https://v3r.su/common/valley_2013_10_09_22_30_45_566.mkv

Hey, i dont want to argue, i want to broadcast tool be the best in existance =)


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Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
30fps limit? What are you talking about? You have the application set to 30 fps. I don't know if you've actually gone through all the settings if you're expressing discontent about 30fps. Also, why in gods name are you limiting x264 to 2 threads? Holy moly, I realize you want to make room for your game but you shouldn't try to manage thread scheduling yourself by limiting threads, you'll only end up causing far more problems. *Always* let the system manage the threads, and use process priority to "hint" at how to schedule the threading. You have fantastic CPU with 8 hardware threads, there's no reason why you shouldn't be using them all. Wow. An *incredible* self-imposed limitation upon yourself, no wonder you're having problems. Superfast with 920x600? That's terrible, probably all you can manage with the 2 thread limit.

Until you get the settings right I don't want to hear anything about "performance problems".

If you want some good recording settings, reset EVERYTHING in advanced back to default (hit that "defaults" button), then:

In video settings:
  • Base Resolution: 1920x1200 base resolution (monitor)
  • Downscale: 1.5 downscale (which is 1280x800, if you only have 2500 bitrate available then maybe you might 1.75, I recommend at least 3000 for 1.5)
  • FPS: 60

In advanced settings:
  • x264 preset: veryfast (unless you are on a poor machine or using a 2-pc setup you should use this always!)
  • No custom x264 encoder settings unless you want to use the "crf" command while using VBR
  • "Above normal" process priority if you want slightly better capture performance

And then use game capture or window capture to capture your game


Active Member
I'm a proponent of taking control of the threads with "threads=x" command on hyperthreading CPUs, because by default my testing has shown that x264 opens too many. But you went WAY overboard. I take my 4core-8logical CPU down to 9 or 10 threads from the default of 12. You also have 4cores and 8 logical and went down to 2. ..WHAT? You skipped a few steps there.

22:26:05: Total frames encoded: 1589, total frames duplicated: 447 (28.13%)
22:26:05: Total frames rendered: 1255, number of late frames: 271 (21.59%) (it's okay for some frames to be late)

See that? That's your encode starving. Feed it moar CPU. Go with threads=10, or do like Jim says and get rid of the threads line altogether until you can establish a baseline of performance that you tweak later.

(Jimedit alarm for politeness don't kill me)


Forum Admin
OBS isn't doesn't artificially limit your framerate like a program like FRAPS does. You are limiting your own performance by throttling OBS.


New Member
dodgepong said:
OBS isn't doesn't artificially limit your framerate like a program like FRAPS does.

Perhaps this is a side effect.

dodgepong said:
You are limiting your own performance by throttling OBS.

"Limiting perfomance"? What the hell all of you talking about?
First video does not have any problem with "slow" encoding, log attached.
At the second video all of you has a problem with log data interpretation, or maybe logging works incorrect?
Third video encoded with 2 threads and 40Mbit bitrate, 60 FPS, NO DELAYs and "own limiting".

I provided all the facts, be objective.


Active Member
Did you read the part where limiting it to only two threads was bad?

I'm guessing its a language barrier thing, but no one has any idea what your complaint is about right now. The logs show that you're using an advanced custom command that is inadvisable, get rid of it.


New Member
Boildown said:
Did you read the part where limiting it to only two threads was bad?
Nope, because nobody read my post with logs and videos.

Boildown said:
I'm guessing its a language barrier thing, but no one has any idea what your complaint is about right now. The logs show that you're using an advanced custom command that is inadvisable, get rid of it.

Language barrier is not a problem, look here.

Result https://v3r.su/common/_OBS_stream2.mp4
FOCUS ON THE RIGHT TOP CORNER PLEASE, all capture settings as in second video except threads=2 option

Oh, now i see. Video FPS=Ingame frame limit. Thats wrong! Another one option needed.


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New Member
Jim said:
You have the application set to 30 fps.
No i set 30 FPS in video settings, i dont need 60 fps video.

Jim said:
Superfast with 920x600? That's terrible, probably all you can manage with the 2 thread limit.

LOL, 2 threads can encode x264+Veryfast+Animation+High 10 profile+4.1 level+ABR 30MBit+1080p without any performance problems. Look third video.


Forum Admin
Are you disabling MSI Afterburner while using OBS? Otherwise you are likely getting some terrible hook conflicts.


Active Member
I've never used MSI Afterburner. I have no idea how it works. I find it doubtful that just because one thing works in it, that it must therefore work the same in OBS. I don't know what I'm supposed to see in your video file. You haven't described anything but "look in the upper right". What am I supposed to be looking for? What is that supposed to tell me about your stream? Did you capture it with OBS or MSI Afterburner?

I do see a new log file with this:

21:20:21: Total frames encoded: 2536, total frames duplicated: 226 (8.91%)
21:20:21: Total frames rendered: 2421, number of late frames: 118 (4.87%) (it's okay for some frames to be late)

Its still being starved of CPU.


New Member
Can i configure OBS to record or broadcast 30 FPS video at 60 FPS source and how?

R1CH said:
Are you disabling MSI Afterburner while using OBS? Otherwise you are likely getting some terrible hook conflicts.

OBS in exclusion list.

Boildown said:
Its still being starved of CPU.

Stop it please.


Forum Admin
0xe0 said:
Can i configure OBS to record or broadcast 30 FPS video at 60 FPS source and how?

R1CH said:
Are you disabling MSI Afterburner while using OBS? Otherwise you are likely getting some terrible hook conflicts.

OBS in exclusion list.

Boildown said:
Its still being starved of CPU.

Stop it please.
I'm not talking about OBS. If OBS and MSI both hook the same target, conflicts will occur. Disable or remove MSI while using OBS.


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Forum Moderator
The progression of this thread was my fault -- I apologize for taking it the direction I did. Let's just all be polite if possible.

Regardless of what you're doing, I would recommend just using OBS with almost all at defaults. And unless you need MSI afterburner on to regulate fan control or something important (I have needed to use it for that in the past), I really would take r1ch's advice of turning it off if you don't really need it.

I would recommend general defaults like I was suggesting earlier -- according to the logs you were having really good performance, and your computer is really nice. Just leave things at general default for the most part, there's rarely a need to change it up.