Extremely low fps


New Member
I have been experiencing some serious problems while trying to record with OBS. When recording I have decent FPS quality ingame as well as in the OBS Studio, however once I finish recording the created video only averages about 2 fps. I only experience this on OBS, other recording services work fine for me, however they are not compatible with some games I like to record, that's why I would really appreciate some help, thanks



Active Member
22:52:43.853: Output 'simple_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 827 (10.5%)
22:52:43.854: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
22:52:43.854: Video stopped, number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 3108/7894 (39.4%)
Your GPU is being overwhelmed. You can try running OBS as Administrator to enable a GPU priority workaround, to ensure that OBS has access to the GPU time it needs for housekeeping tasks.

22:45:51.719: - scene 'Szene':
22:45:51.719: - source: 'Audioeingabeaufnahme' (wasapi_input_capture)
22:45:51.719: - source: 'Spielaufnahme' (game_capture)
22:45:51.720: - source: 'Bildschirmaufnahme' (monitor_capture)
22:45:51.720: - source: 'Fensteraufnahme' (window_capture)
You have a Monitor Capture in the same scene as a Game and Window Capture. This is known to cause intermittent problems. Monitor Capture should be avoided as anything but an absolute last resort, and placed into its own scene if it is needed; even if the Game/Window capture and Monitor capture are not enabled at the same time, just being in the same scene can cause MAJOR performance issues.