Embed MP3/WAV File Into Scene


New Member
Is there a way for me to have an mp3/wav file looping in my scene? I have a scene called "lobby" which is what I switch to when im waiting for a game to start. It basically just shows my webcam and some other overlays and id like some background music to play here (same music everytime)... and than when I switch scenes, it does that, switches scenes.

Basically i dont want to have to load an mp3 player every time, id like to end a game, go into the lobby, and switch streams with my hot keys and have the background music start playing...


New Member
I'm also trying to bring in a mp3 file for background music. I have the video source plugin which works great for video's but I isn't allowing me to bring in the mp3 file. The drop down menu say it only supports VSP files (not familiar with VSP files to be honest). Any ideas?


The Helping Squad
Enter *.* as the filename, and hit enter, then it show you all files on your system. (Of course not all files will work, but mp3/wav etc, files that vlc can open)


New Member
Just to follow up. I was able to rename the .mp3 to .avi and play it that way. A bit odd but it works.


New Member
Just for future reference. I was able to replace the .mp3 extension with .avi and it played just fine. Odd but it works.


no need to rename, just write the path (doesnt matter if the plugin doesnt show the mp3 files)
example c:\stuff\loops\guitar loop.mp3