DistroAV - Network Audio/Video in OBS-Studio using NDI® technology

DistroAV - Network Audio/Video in OBS-Studio using NDI® technology 6.0.0

Those who have the problem with BROKEN AUDIO or Audio Crackling

Just dont use OBS 29 and NDI 5

Instead of that use OBS 27 + obs ndi 4.9.

There was a link earlier in the thread to 4.10.1. It seems to have fixed the sound issues here, but my main issue is a sound offset from the video about a second behind the video when I stream an NDI-hosted scene (how I move a completed stream to an encoder machine).

The post is here.

GitHub link is here.

Hope this helps.

--Katt. =^.^=



I'm not having an issue with audio in NDI5... I'm having an issue where my NDI5 camera isn't showing up AT ALL. The camera shows up in NDI Tools and other NDI programs without any problems.


New Member
Hey, you can fix it simply by opening up a Terminal on mac, and write this:

sudo cp "/Applications/NDI Video Monitor.app/Contents/Frameworks/libndi_advanced.dylib" "/usr/local/lib/libndi.4.dylib"
You all have posted some really great information. I have an M2/Ventura 13.2 with OBS 29.0.2 and trying to set up NDI 4.10.0-QT6 UsingNDI Runtime-4.5.1. I just do not have enough knowledge to get either of the fixes above to work. Can you help a dumb guy out? Maybe a little more step by step in either of the solutions above.


New Member
I'm not having an issue with audio in NDI5... I'm having an issue where my NDI5 camera isn't showing up AT ALL. The camera shows up in NDI Tools and other NDI programs without any problems.
I'm having the same problem on a fresh install on a new machine. Although everything is working fine on 3 other computers with OBS 29.0.2 and NDI 5.5.3, the new HP Elitebook i7 does not show any source in OBS 29.0.2 with NDI 5.5.3. All drivers are actual, BIOS is updated and all sources are visible in the NDI Studio Monitor. After hours of testing I have no other explanation as an incompatibility of the NDI plugin to OBS....


New Member
What is the best NDI-Runtime to install on Windows with OBS 29.0.2 and NDI Plugin 4.10.1?
On Palakis.fr, Runtime for Windows is available in these releases:




New Member
I'm having the same problem on a fresh install on a new machine. Although everything is working fine on 3 other computers with OBS 29.0.2 and NDI 5.5.3, the new HP Elitebook i7 does not show any source in OBS 29.0.2 with NDI 5.5.3. All drivers are actual, BIOS is updated and all sources are visible in the NDI Studio Monitor. After hours of testing I have no other explanation as an incompatibility of the NDI plugin to OBS....
UPDATE: I had got the new computer with preconfigured W10Pro 64Bit. Since there was not very much software installed I reinstalled Windows 10 Pro once again on a blank drive. Now ist works as it has to with the installed configuration: OBS 29.0.2, NDI-Plugin 4.10.0 and NDI 5.5.3. Everything ok!


New Member
I'm relative new to NDI. I'm having the same sync issue with OBS 29 (and NDI 5.5) as I had with OBS 27. My one and only NDI camera (Aver) slowly gets behind the four BlackMagic QUAD connected cameras and consequently loses lip sync, obviously. I get the sound through USB from a Behringer XR18, not via any of the cameras. The lag is not constant but slowly growing, thus I cannot compensate it setting a constant delay.
But that is only true when using the plugin!!
If I run the NDI Studio Monitor and then grab the camera window in OBS, the problem disappears. It's still lagging but the lag is constant (100 ms) and I can deal with that.
So, for me, the problem seems to reside in the plugin, not in NDI itself. Or am I missing something?
I'm on a PC (Asus ROG X570-F, AMD Ryzen 9 5900X, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 Ti + GeForge GT 730).


I installed this one here from Killinbox for OBS 29 on Mac M1, and now I have no NDI devices showing in OBS.
How can I get this working? We really need it operational before Sunday!



New Member
Guys, I have found something that works for user on macOS Ventura (I'm on 13.0.1).
Make sure you have OBS, installed the plugin, and the NDI runtime that OBS yells at you about (potentially unneeded, but included just to be safe)

1. Download NDI monitor from the AppStore (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ndi-monitor/id1111704079?mt=12)
2. Go into the applications and show package contents for the NDI monitor (macintoshHD, then Applications); then find the libndi_advanced.dylib and copy that
3. Paste libndi_advanced into /usr/local/lib
4. Inside the lib folder you should have a file named libndi.4.dylib, rename it something else and/or back it up elsewhere.
5. Rename libndi_advanced.dylib to libndi.4.dylib

OBS should be happy now.


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I've got an update!

I uninstalled NDI Tools and the NDI Runtime

I then installed NDI Analysis BETA which came with the Runtime.

Now, my camera is working great in OBS. HOWEVER, OBS gives me the "NDI Runtime not found" error when starting up. And because of this, I can't access the video properties of my camera in OBS.


And after restarting OBS once... it stopped working. The video properties in OBS probably unselected the camera; and since I can't access the video properties to reselect it, it's done.


New Member
I haven't tested it yet, but Palakis has released a new version on github. obs-ndi 4.11.0-RC
For those who have problem and want to test follow the link:
This seems to be an official release candidate! FINALLY! They are asking for everyone to try it and comment on it. (For PC and MAC)


This seems to be an official release candidate! FINALLY! They are asking for everyone to try it and comment on it. (For PC and MAC)

I get a "NDI Runtime not found. Download installer here: http://new.tk/NDIRedistV5Apple"
But when I click the link, nothing loads.

I have the newest NDI for mac downloaded and installed on my M1 Mac.

Any ideas?


New Member
Dear all,

as a lot of us, I also struggled with NDI on my M1 Mac. Today I got it working, and I wanted to share my solution with you:

- Go into /Programs, and choose "Show Contents" from NDI Video Monitor. Go into "Contents > Frameworks" and copy the "libndi_advanced.dynlib"
- Chang into "usr/local/lib", and paste this file
- rename the "libndi4.dynlib" (like e.g. "old_libndi4.dynlib")
- rename "libndi_advanced.dynlib" to "libndi4.dynlib"
- start OBS, and you'll see the NDI Sources again

Cheers, Thomas
Where do I find the NDI Video Monitor? I don't know what that is. I'm assuming when you say Programs you're referring to the OBS icon in the applications folder. You clicked show contents on the OBS icon correct?
Where do I find the NDI Video Monitor? I don't know what that is. I'm assuming when you say Programs you're referring to the OBS icon in the applications folder. You clicked show contents on the OBS icon correct?

No, I suspect that they're referring to the NDI Monitor that's bundled with the NDI Tools package. Since you're on a Mac, a platform I have no experience with NDI on (I'm a Windows shop here primarily), I'm unable to offer advice other than looking somewhere in the Applications folder.

--Katt. =^.^=