DistroAV - Network Audio/Video in OBS-Studio using NDI® technology

DistroAV - Network Audio/Video in OBS-Studio using NDI® technology 6.0.0


New Member
I await one of my cameras to offer SRT rather than NDI and I will change.

I also await SRT ingestion by YouTube.

Whether either of these things come to pass, we shall see.
I'm not sure, if cams with direct built-in SRT or RIST will be available. Thing is, first I need control to cam (Iris, Black and color-levels, and a lot of other things). So it's already connected to a CCU. Intercom, and so on. So, what will be, SRT or RIST direct out of the CCU will be possible. I need the pure signal for recording and measuring. But there are more and more devices, that convert from SDI to SRT/RIST.
And YT with direct SRT/RIST ingest, maybe in some time, but not in near future. It's too much concentrated on consumer-ingesting (aka Influencers :D )


YT SRT ingest will be some time. I heard rumour of late 2023 but I don't hold any store by that,

I have streaming boxes that have SRT in/out (among a multitude of other options) but one camera basically works with NDI so that is the only reason left to use the format.


New Member
I see a lot of people complaining about this plugin having issues, but I don't have any issues at all on windows now that they have patched with the 4.10.1 plugin here https://github.com/DDRBoxman/obs-ndi/releases/tag/4.10.1 . Both of my windows PC's are connected via a netgear GSS108E.

All I did to install is install the latest NDI Tools on both pc's from here https://www.ndi.tv/tools/#download-tools . I had whatever the lastest version of OBS 28 at the time on both PC's. Then I downloaded the zip version of the OBS NDI plugin which has two folders when you unzip. I placed the files in each of those folders in the appropriate folders in my OBS directories on both PC's and everything seems to be working. I don't get any stuttering or have any audio desync issues at all. I did a 5 hour stream on twitch to test (not a regular streamer at all) last weekend and as far as I can tell everything is as expected. You can view that here if you would like https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1701651203 . Maybe you can point out issues that I'm missing, but as far as I can tell it works?
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New Member
@SigAddict You're missing, that cameras are out of sync after around 45minutes. Means, no more lip-sync, if you're working with multiple cameras. But that's more a thing of NDI itself, than the plugin. The plugin itself is not made for ARM-Macs, so you'll have to make a workaround, as I described earlier. These are only two things, more you did read here in the forum ;) And, as always, five users means five machines with different requirements, means six opinions, and much more system-settings ;)


New Member
Hi All - Happy new year

I had the NDI plugin all working fine - had to work a few other things - now come back to complete setup and upgraded OBS to 29.0.0 on Mac M1 Pro

Now cannot see NDI Camera in OBS.

I cannot see any settings for setting up the NDI Camera ?

what am I missing ?

many thanks


New Member
Hi All - Happy new year

I had the NDI plugin all working fine - had to work a few other things - now come back to complete setup and upgraded OBS to 29.0.0 on Mac M1 Pro

Now cannot see NDI Camera in OBS.

I cannot see any settings for setting up the NDI Camera ?

what am I missing ?

many thanks
You're missing the posts above yours, where's described, how to install NDI on ARM-Macs


New Member
Is there a way I can connect my OBS to Easy worship for display of text (Bible and songs) using the NDI plugin and how can I go about it?


New Member
For those who are wondering. The OBS-NDI plugin that I am currently using is working on OBS 29.0.0 for me. That being said, the version of the OBS-NDI plugin I am using is the 5.0 version that was taken down. I am on a PC.


New Member
Hello, it would be very appreciated if you could fix the ndi runtime error on apple silicon. I can't figure out how to get your Plugin working with OBS 29 on a m1 pro.


New Member
I recently re-installed OBS NDI on v. 29 as a test and it's working for me (Mac Silicon).

I plan to drop it at some point (and just use SRT) as it does feel like it will fail one day but for the moment it's a convenience for a singularly specific thing.
Was this Intel version ? or Apple silicon version - what version of NDI and Runtime?


As it said in my post that you quoted, Mac Silicon (ARM 64).

Installation details already given by others in this thread,


New Member
Does this plugin take the incoming audio or the output audio (after the audio sync offset delay)? IOW, if I'm using 220ms sync offset to sync my video and audio in OBS, will this plugin output the synced audio (output) or the unsynced audio (input). Thanks for any info.
I use three machines to stream with NDI connections among them.

The one I'm having the most critical trouble with goes between the machine I integrate the stream with (overlays, my mike, the game I'm capping) and my encoder machine (generates H.264/AAC and packet-pushes to Twitch/YouTube/whatever).

I see a full second's worth of delay between the audio and video with the audio a full second behind the video. The only settings I'm tweaking are latency and sync. Using pretty much all the defaults for everything else. I also offload resizing to the encoder machine. I was originally streaming 1080P59.94 at my most recent place (had 35Mbps' worth of upstream available), but where I am now, I have to stream at 720p59.94 (upwards of 8mbps). Also, there's some stoppage at times, which has me a little concerned. In the meantime, I'm using Teleport between the stream integration machine and the encoder machine.

I still have to use NDI between the VTuber machine (runs VTube Studio and Remasuri3's Twitch Interactive Throwing System, and OBS to composite them together) as I need the alpha channel support. There are some issues here, but they're minor compared to the above.

Also, here are some other details:

OBS Studio 29.0.0
OBS NDI plugin, 4.10.1
NDI runtime

All of which runs under Windows 10 Pro release 21H2 64-bit on all systems.

Anything I should capture from my setup for diagnostic purposes or any change suggestions?

Also, is there any other information you may need?

Thanks in advance.

--Katt. =^.^=


New Member
Anyone know how to change the ip of the server? I have a stream server that has multiple nics and would like to have internal traffic from ndi on one nic and all other data on another nic. The networking side is working and setup to allow this just need to know how to change the websocket server ip address as its taking the main traffic nic and not the internal traffic nic. Thank you.


Haven't streamed in a year... now setting everything back up and I can't get my camera working.

BirdDog PF120 NDI-5.5.089
OBS 29.0.0 64-bit
OBS-NDI 4.10
NDI Runtime

Camera shows up perfectly fine in NDI Tools. Does not show up in OBS.
What am I missing here?


New Member
I see a lot of people complaining about this plugin having issues, but I don't have any issues at all on windows now that they have patched with the 4.10.1 plugin here https://github.com/DDRBoxman/obs-ndi/releases/tag/4.10.1 . Both of my windows PC's are connected via a netgear GSS108E.

All I did to install is install the latest NDI Tools on both pc's from here https://www.ndi.tv/tools/#download-tools . I had whatever the lastest version of OBS 28 at the time on both PC's. Then I downloaded the zip version of the OBS NDI plugin which has two folders when you unzip. I placed the files in each of those folders in the appropriate folders in my OBS directories on both PC's and everything seems to be working. I don't get any stuttering or have any audio desync issues at all. I did a 5 hour stream on twitch to test (not a regular streamer at all) last weekend and as far as I can tell everything is as expected. You can view that here if you would like https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1701651203 . Maybe you can point out issues that I'm missing, but as far as I can tell it works?
I just did this same exact setup and everything appears to work within OBS, but when it is actually streamed it was extremely choppy audio. It definitely doesn't work properly. Oddly enough, for the audio I can use vb-audio virtual cables to capture the output of the ndi video/audio in NDI Studio Monitor. I then use that NDI Monitor captured audio as an input and then it streams the audio without issue.

Not sure what the deal is with that, but it's working...for now anyways.


New Member
Those who have the problem with BROKEN AUDIO or Audio Crackling

Just dont use OBS 29 and NDI 5

Instead of that use OBS 27 + obs ndi 4.9.