New Member
I'm not sure, if cams with direct built-in SRT or RIST will be available. Thing is, first I need control to cam (Iris, Black and color-levels, and a lot of other things). So it's already connected to a CCU. Intercom, and so on. So, what will be, SRT or RIST direct out of the CCU will be possible. I need the pure signal for recording and measuring. But there are more and more devices, that convert from SDI to SRT/RIST.I await one of my cameras to offer SRT rather than NDI and I will change.
I also await SRT ingestion by YouTube.
Whether either of these things come to pass, we shall see.
And YT with direct SRT/RIST ingest, maybe in some time, but not in near future. It's too much concentrated on consumer-ingesting (aka Influencers :D )