Question / Help Disconnecting every 20-30 minutes, can't stream


New Member
No idea why this is happening, I was streaming perfectly with these same settings about like 2 weeks ago, then all of a sudden I've been dropping frames, now I get a ping spike and the stream disconnects. Can someone please help me? It's preventing me from streaming..


Forum Admin
You appear to be using wireless, so your connection is probably experiencing instability due to interference.


Forum Admin
Wireless is unpredictable like that, since you have no guarantee you're the only person using the frequency at any particular time.


Some things to try:
  • Resetting your stream key
  • Confirming your Twitch.TV timezone and ensuring it is in fact your actual timezone and that you are streaming to a server within that timezone, if at all possible.
  • Updating your network drivers


New Member
Tried all of that still ddidnt work sigh, its pretty stupid because i literally live off streaming and now im losing a lot of viewers


New Member
tried it didn't change anything still disconnecting after like 10 minutes of streaming, pretty dumb cuz i live off streaming but this is just making me lose viewers


Odd as this may sound, do you have access to a 2nd Twitch.TV account and do you have someone you trust implicitly/completely?

To rule out the possibility of it being an issue with your Twitch.TV account itself you could try the following:
  • Using a different account, just as a test.
  • Having someone else that is not in your local area (to rule out it being an ISP/routing issue) use your account. Again, purely as a test.


New Member
nope tried different twitch account it still is getting disconnected. do u think its because im using 60 fps and 1700 bitrate? also should i try cleaning out my reinstalling windows?


Framerate and bitrate should not be causing this; if for some reason or another your system and/or connection were unable to support 60 FPS and 1700 bitrate, the disconnect or trouble would start a lot sooner.

Reinstalling Windows may solve it but I do not think it likely, hence I will not recommend it. If you are willing to do it, I would understand and in that case I would hope it does indeed solve it. But, again, I do not think it's likely it will. Reinstalling Windows would only end up working if the issue somehow either is related to a misconfiguration of Windows (in which case, again, the stream most likely would not work at all) or is related to malware of some kind. For which there are less extreme methods to get rid of those.


Town drunk
Have you tried plugging directly into your modem and bypassing your router entirely? It's possible something is wrong with the router. When's the last time you gave your router and modem a reset?


New Member
about a week ago, but i cant connect it to my modem, is there any other solutions? im 100 percent sure its an issue with obs cuz before the new update it worked extremely perfect for me, then i updated it and not it just keeps disconnecting