I'm having the same problem and I can hear myself thro my headset. I'm so annoyed here r my setting if anyone could help pls. It was not a problem until this week and now I cant get it to stop. In order to get the loop gone i have to go into my editing software to delete one of the tracks to get rid of the loop. But that wont work when I stream. And I also followed all the steps listed and still that same.
i figured it out i had to delete my mic and create a new source for it. Not sure if this will work for u but this was my fix
Dedicated thread, instead of further hijacking this one:
Audio Looping problem
Just started having this problem. Not sure how to fix it. Pls help my voice loops into my headphones and i can figure out how to get it to stop. She sound end up in my live stream and in my video. I am new to this so i would appreciate any help i can get.