Question / Help CSGO Recording Lagging and 144 Quality Help!!!

jason hipolito

New Member
Hello Guys! I'm one of the many gamers that wanted to be a youtuber, because we have a lot of games that can have a good memories with friends just like a funny moments. And back to the question, I downloaded OBS and tried to record some of my gameplays but then I noticed that It is lagging and the quality is too low. Can you help me for OBS Setting for CSGO?

My laptop spec is:

Operating System: Windows 8.1
Laptop: MSI GP60
Processor: Intel (R) Core (TM) i3-4000M CPU @ 2.40GHz
Graphic: NVIDIA GeForce GT 740M

One of my footage.

And btw whenever I play csgo it is not like that, my csgo is very stable, fast and accurate. But when I saw the footage I was like. What the f*ck happened to my footage why is it laggy and quality is slow?

PS: How to change forum name, I don't like to share my real name LOL!!!!
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