Question / Help CSGO 60fps 720p Pixel issues


New Member
Hello, i have been having the quality issue with pixels.

My stream is 60fps 720p, i have i7 high end computer and can easily handle it without lags.

My upload is 5mb so it can handle 3500bits if i want to but i have it on 2000/2500 right now. i tested 3000/3500 yesterday aswell but no progress. x264 preset is at "standard, i Think its "Fast" right?

My cam is 30 FPS, is it possible to higher that aswell?

Here is the video you can Watch of me streaming, im 1280 ingame and in downscale on OBS. My Quality option is on "10" thats what im thinking is the problem, i might be wrong. Thats why i im asking you guys. Watch the video down below.

Ignore my overlay and my language, just look at the quality running around.

Many thanks, regards Alex
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New Member
I tested it with less Quality Balance (6 instead of 10) yesterday and still the same problem. The stream is OK watching by friends but still blurry/pixel issues when moving fast.



Forum Moderator
720p60 in a high motion game like CS:GO is never going to look all that great within Twitch's bitrate limits. You have to take what you can get.


Forum Moderator
For streaming in 1 pc setup you should keep veryfast preset with high profile
This depends a lot on the CPU in the system and the game being played. A high-end i7 like the 4790K or 6700K can handle fast or even medium preset in some cases for 720p60 if the game has low CPU demands; in other cases you may need to drop back to faster or veryfast. We also recommend using the profile that the stream provider requests (and by default this is enforced in OBS regardless of what you pick, along with things like bitrate and keyframe interval), which is main for Twitch and high for YouTube. For local recordings you should of course use the high profile.


New Member
Like i mentioned, I have an i7 6700k now. I had an AMD useless CPU earlier. Should I switch from superfast to medium maybe? Something lower?

I play with low resolution ingame, like 1280. And low graphic settings.

The preset was set superfast for my earlier CPU that really was useless. I dont experience any fps loss while playing now. If thats the case, wow i love you moderators! I will check when i get home.

Thank you regards Alex
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