OBS has encountered an unhandled exception and has terminated. If you are able to
reproduce this crash, please submit this crash report on the forums at
https://obsproject.com/ - include the contents of this crash log and the
minidump .dmp file (if available) as well as your regular OBS log files and
a description of what you were doing at the time of the crash.
This crash appears to have occured in the 'c:\windows\syswow64\kernelbase.dll' module.
Fault address: 76FF338D (c:\windows\syswow64\kernelbase.dll)
OBS version: Open Broadcaster Software v0.658b
Windows version: 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Crashing thread stack trace:
Stack EIP Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Address
1579F768 76FF338D 00001078 0000EA60 00000000 003C3400 kernelbase.dll!0x76ff338d
1579F778 01390C6C 003FFAC0 1579FBEC 0138B759 00000001 obs.exe!RTMPPublisher::~RTMPPublisher+0x19c
1579FBD8 013907EB 00000001 00000000 1579FBF8 75C6338A obs.exe!RTMPPublisher::`vector deleting destructor'+0xb
1579FBE4 0138B759 003FFAC0 1579FC38 77DCA242 003FFAC0 obs.exe!<lambda_a9ba5635c50b6252ddc4af9c8011c286>::<helper_func_stdcall>+0x19
1579FBF4 75C6338A 003FFAC0 4780130F 00000000 00000000 kernel32.dll!0x75c6338a
1579FC00 77DCA242 0138B740 003FFAC0 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x77dca242
1579FC40 77DCA215 0138B740 003FFAC0 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x77dca215
A minidump was saved to C:\Users\Beals\AppData\Roaming\OBS\crashDumps\OBSCrashDump2016-08-12_1.dmp.
Please include this file when posting a crash report.
List of loaded modules:
Base Address Module
reproduce this crash, please submit this crash report on the forums at
https://obsproject.com/ - include the contents of this crash log and the
minidump .dmp file (if available) as well as your regular OBS log files and
a description of what you were doing at the time of the crash.
This crash appears to have occured in the 'c:\windows\syswow64\kernelbase.dll' module.
Fault address: 76FF338D (c:\windows\syswow64\kernelbase.dll)
OBS version: Open Broadcaster Software v0.658b
Windows version: 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770K CPU @ 3.50GHz
Crashing thread stack trace:
Stack EIP Arg0 Arg1 Arg2 Arg3 Address
1579F768 76FF338D 00001078 0000EA60 00000000 003C3400 kernelbase.dll!0x76ff338d
1579F778 01390C6C 003FFAC0 1579FBEC 0138B759 00000001 obs.exe!RTMPPublisher::~RTMPPublisher+0x19c
1579FBD8 013907EB 00000001 00000000 1579FBF8 75C6338A obs.exe!RTMPPublisher::`vector deleting destructor'+0xb
1579FBE4 0138B759 003FFAC0 1579FC38 77DCA242 003FFAC0 obs.exe!<lambda_a9ba5635c50b6252ddc4af9c8011c286>::<helper_func_stdcall>+0x19
1579FBF4 75C6338A 003FFAC0 4780130F 00000000 00000000 kernel32.dll!0x75c6338a
1579FC00 77DCA242 0138B740 003FFAC0 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x77dca242
1579FC40 77DCA215 0138B740 003FFAC0 00000000 00000000 ntdll.dll!0x77dca215
A minidump was saved to C:\Users\Beals\AppData\Roaming\OBS\crashDumps\OBSCrashDump2016-08-12_1.dmp.
Please include this file when posting a crash report.
List of loaded modules:
Base Address Module