Question / Help CPU spikes up to 95% while Streaming


New Member
Hello community and streamers ! :) ,

I have the problem when I stream Battlefield 4 goes my CPU at 95 % load and I get strong FPS dips . I can any other game that streams such for Star Wars Battlefront or Call of Duty .

Now I am thinking the i7 2600 to sell and to buy me the AMD FX 8350 I will of course to bring me a good motherboard to the FX 8350 to overclock strongly .

Would be worth it or rather no .


i7 2600

ASRock H61 Pro BTC

GTX 780

16GB Ram

OBS settings :

720p @ 30fps

3000 kbit / s

very fast

I hope you can help me ! :)

Sorry for that english i translate this at Google Translater xD


AMD cores are much slower than Intel's with same clock thats why amd offers 6 and 8 and thats not enough in many cases today. Read cpu rewievs and benchmarks on sites like and and make no mistake!

Fx-8370 is not that bad of a sidegrade to a 2600k at all. The cores are on par w/ the 2600 easily, no where near a 4790k but still you'll choke your i5 out with any form of streaming. However, an i7 2600k shouldn't struggle to keep up at 720p 30 at all...and 95% CPU usage is absurd, on an AMD FX-8320 and an old i5-2500k I don't push past 55% cpu usage on obs by itself, maybe with a game running on the i5 it'd start to ramp up. I'd say something is wrong with your pc tbh.
@VooDoo Im not sure if I understand you correctly but streaming on i5-6600K@4,5 with below settings on high performance mode enabled in windows power management is max 6% cpu. jumps to 20% on balanced mode, so its far from choking. (window capture with libreoffice for quick test)

09:38:32.026: video settings reset:
09:38:32.026: base resolution: 1920x1080
09:38:32.026: output resolution: 1280x720
09:38:32.026: fps: 30000/1001
09:38:32.026: format: NV12

09:39:03.863: [x264 encoder: 'streaming_h264'] preset: veryfast
09:39:03.863: [x264 encoder: 'streaming_h264'] profile: high
09:39:03.863: [x264 encoder: 'streaming_h264'] settings:
09:39:03.863: rate_control: CBR
09:39:03.863: bitrate: 2765
09:39:03.863: buffer size: 2765
09:39:03.863: crf: 0
09:39:03.863: fps_num: 30000
09:39:03.863: fps_den: 1001
09:39:03.863: width: 1280
09:39:03.863: height: 720
09:39:03.863: keyint: 59
09:39:03.863: vfr: off
09:39:03.866: [CoreAudio AAC: 'Track1']: settings:
09:39:03.866: mode: AAC
09:39:03.866: bitrate: 128
09:39:03.866: sample rate: 48000
09:39:03.866: cbr: on

but yea OP seems to have some issue and he didnt post log
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