Question / Help Constant Game Capture Flickering on AMD R9 300 Series Graphics


New Member
Hi! I've been scrolling through the forums, and see several people suffering from the same problem as I am. I recently replaced my nVidia GeForce GTX 570 with an AMD R9 380 4GB from ASUS, and now my Game Capture has a strange flickering that appears during the stream.

My PC Specs are as follows:
CPU - Intel i5 4690K @ 3.5GHz
RAM - 8GB Crucial Ballistix 1600Mhz
Motherboard - MSI PC Mate Z97

The problem was not present until I switched my GPU, and the effects are only visible in the OBS Stream. From what I've been able to gather from the little information present in other people's posts, the issue is likely driver-based. Is there a version of AMD Graphics Drivers that I can roll back to in order to solve this problem?

For now, I've gotten around the problem by using Monitor Capture, which will do in the meantime, as I have no lag or delay when doing so. I would like to use the more optimized game capture though. The reason I'm using Monitor Capture, is that when using Window Capture (I'm not sure if this is the same issue, but I want to say why I am using the less optimized capture source) I get a strange white box that does not go away, and appears to be a part of the source. I will have a video of both of these effects listed below.

Log File:
YouTube Video Showing Effects:


Active Member
I'm betting that it's the R9 OpenGL problem again.

I'm pretty sure directx games will run fine.


New Member
I'm betting that it's the R9 OpenGL problem again.

I'm pretty sure directx games will run fine.
Can Confirm! Just ran a test using Skyrim (DirectX) and all problems, even the Window Capture glitch went away.

Is there anything I can do in the case of OpenGL rendered games though?


Active Member
Some people have reported some success with OBS Multiplatform running with the opengl renderer.


New Member
Some people have reported some success with OBS Multiplatform running with the opengl renderer.
Thanks, I've given it a try, however, it appears to be extremely finicky about Sources for Game Capture. For now, I will deal the with Monitor Capture, and hope that perhaps AMD will get on top of their OpenGL support.


New Member
Hello! Sorry, I know this is old and what not but I was experiencing the exact same problem with pretty much the exact same hardware. I fixed the issue by going back to Windows 7. So if you're Windows 10 and haven't figured out the problem... It's Windows 10! Hopefully this helps.


Active Member
No longer relevant, and doesn't actually solve the issue. You probably got the updated r9 drivers that amd released recently that reportedly fixed the issue.