Compiling obs-studio-browser o artix-linux


New Member
I need OBS with browser sources on my Artix linux system. For some reason basic arch's 'obs-studio' package does not provide browser sources. There's package in AUR called 'obs-studio-browser' that does provide such function. But I cannot build it because whenever I try to run 'makepkg' it fails to compile and throws me a bunch of errors:
It seems that it's because of new ffmpeg, I heard they rewrote a lot of code and I had some problems because of it, I suppose it's another one. I really don't know what to do with it, I can rewrite some code to fix those errors myself but I really don't want to.


New Member
It was a bit hard to install because obs-studio-tytan652 depends on ffmpeg-obs and vlc-luajit, which depends on chromaprint lib that requires ffmpeg package (conflict here) and is not from AUR. I had to install chromaprint-fftw that does not require ffmpeg, then edit PKGBUILD for vlc-luajit to make it depend on chromaprint-fftw and not chromaprint. Then I built and installed this edited package and only then I could successfully build and install obs-studio-tytan652.
But anyway, now it works, thanks