cmake not finding obs-plugin-template windows dependencies


New Member

I'm trying out the obs-plugin-template. I'm on Windows 10 and have Visual Studio 2022.

I'm working with this project:

I ran cmake and got the following error:

-- Setting up Pre-Built obs-deps ()
-- Downloading
CMake Error at cmake/common/buildspec_common.cmake:169 (file):
file DOWNLOAD cannot compute hash on failed download

I ran the cmake command thus:
PS C:\Projects\temp\duanepugh\obs-plugintemplate-master\build> cmake -G "Visual Studio 17 2022" -S C:\Projects\temp\duanepugh\obs-plugintemplate-master -B .

I'm not 100% that I have the cmake command line right, but it also appears to be getting a bad url for the dependencies. Thanks for any help!



New Member

I'm trying out the obs-plugin-template. I'm on Windows 10 and have Visual Studio 2022.

I'm working with this project:

I ran cmake and got the following error:

I ran the cmake command thus:

I'm not 100% that I have the cmake command line right, but it also appears to be getting a bad url for the dependencies. Thanks for any help!


I found the issue:
The cause is from the cmake\windows\buildspec.cmake file. This line: set(arch ${CMAKE_GENERATOR_PLATFORM}) . It isn't working. It's not finding the architecture. It returns an empty string. I changed it to set(arch ${CMAKE_VS_PLATFORM_NAME}), and that returns the right architecture. "arch" is added as part of the url path to the files to download.