CleanStream - Remove profanity and fillers in your live stream or recording with AI!

CleanStream - Remove profanity and fillers in your live stream or recording with AI! v0.1.3


OK, so I have an RTX 4070TI, but it's cutting audio out A LOT even with "Whisper Tiny"
Should I use Whisper base instead? Or why is it cutting out so much?


New Member
I've been testing this out on my streams recently,noticing that the filter doesn't seem to work when I start my streams and I need to manually turn it off and on every stream. Not sure if anyone else is having this issue, honestly think this has potential to be a great plug in and I want to see it do well!


New Member
Can I ask why is this project "⚠️ Stalled ⚠️ This project is not under active development" ? I'm actively waiting (lol) for this plugin to work 100% of the time all the time, as this will allow me and many others to go back to twitch and not be worried about saying something that the rats do not like. I really consider this to be the second most important plugin (after anything that allows you to multistream). Please reconsider polishing it out.