Bug Report Can't stream TF2 in fullscreen windowed


New Member
I want to stream TF2 in fullscreen windowed mode with aero on, but I seem to be unable to. The problem I have is that the window capture only captures the main menu. Even after I join a server, the stream still shows me looking at the main menu. I have my webcam on stream and I can see it changes, so the stream itself isn't frozen.

It seems like it would be a TF2 specific issue but I know people who stream TF2 using OBS in fullscreen windowed just fine. It works if I do monitor capture but I want to do window capture with aero on for privacy reasons.


Forum Admin
Just so I can be sure, how are you going about doing this, as TF2 requires a rather odd setup to be running fullscreen windowed.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Weird -- it actually only freezes the frame if you're minimized.. I'm not entirely sure what could be going on, I've never heard of this occurring before.


New Member
Weird, right now its displaying whatever was open on my primary monitor (the one I run TF2 on) at the time I started TF2. So if it was on my desktop, I just see my desktop, if it was in chrome I see the chrome window (even after I close it).

Warchamp, do you mean my TF2 settings or my OBS settings?


New Member
"-sw -w 1680 -h 1050 -noborder" in launch options

-sw is "start windowed", the rest is rather obvious.


Forum Admin
Interesting, I was unaware of everything there besides -noborder :P. I just pick windowed and the size in the settings heh

Just wanted to be sure you were setting it properly though. Some people might put -windowed in their launch options and think setting the game to fullscreen in-game would then be fullscreen windowed heheh


New Member
Indeed. Well if it is indeed an isolated issue I imagine it will be hard to find a solution, but if you think of any troubleshooting steps I could attempt that'd be great. Otherwise, I love the program and will likely continue using it (monitor capture which means I'll have to turn aero off for fps' sake).


New Member
I have tf2 working fine in fullscreen windowed.

my launch options are -dxlevel 98 -sw -w 1920 -h 1080 -console -noborder -novid -useforcedmparms -noforcemaccel -noforcemspd

I just set it up in obs to capture from application, works like a charm, you might want to try dxtory or the plugin (that I will try later this evening) to get it working.


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Forum Moderator
I wish I could help but I'm still sort of confused.. if you find a workaround to get it working, please let me know. other than that, I'm not entirely sure what to suggest. try some experimentation if possible.


New Member
I'll mess around with it later this week. Things I'll try: update graphics drivers, turn off dual monitor, reinstall tf2. I already have a clean install of obs. Would dxlevel 8 vs 9 matter? Open to any other suggestions.