Can't stream my Unreal Engine or PUBG (but all the others games seems fine)


New Member
Hello folks, my name is Algost i've been using OBS since 2012~ i watch a lot of content creator about OBS update and plugin because i'm curious and i'm interest by this topic, i think i know how OBS work, but these days i have a issue and i don't know what to do, so i come here you hear the wisdom of the OBS forum.

Generally streaming a video game is not a big deal for me, even tho i don't have the last CPU and CGU, i think my PC is good, here's the specs :
CG : NVIDIA Corporation TU106 [GeForce RTX 2070]
CPU : Intel Core i9 9900K Cadencé à 3.60 GHz
RAM : 48,0 GB

Recently i encounted two issues that i can't barely streamn the first one is PUBG.

As far as i know, the game optimization is garbage. A lot of people have issues to stream it in a good quality. When i play it without OBS and in medium quality, i have around 115 ips, work's fine, it's fluid and playable correctly. If i go low i can even go up to 160-180 ips ingame (i use the Steam fps counter overlay)

But if i launch OBS i almost drop around 100~ ips and the game feel not responsive, OBS also told me "Encoding Overload" so i change my preset (i use NVDIA NVENC H.264) in 1080p resolution no downscale.

Imo my PC can normally run and allowing me to stream PUBG correctly, i think i have saw smaller configuration achieve a better performance streaming this game, i don't understand why it's does work for me, i'm looking for help.

You can see a lot of content (was a pubg tournament) and you can see that my quality is in very low and it's still almost not playable :

Unreal Engine :
I'm a indie gamedev and i wanted to do live stream of my journey on this engine on Twitch, but i realize than everytime i go in play mode on Unreal it's goes laggy as f*ck and OBS tell me to choose a lower preset but i'm on the lowest preset, you can see it here!

Even when i build my game into a .exe and try to record some gameplay footage it's goes very laggy in OBS, even tho a .exe is less consumming than a full engine. So i don't know what to do.

Record exemple uploaded :
It's in Screen capture

Here's a log when at the beginning i play a bit of pubg and it goes well i would say and at the end i run Unreal Engine and play my scene and it goes very laggy :

I already read your topic "High CPU Usage/High Encoding/Taking too long to encode? Read this first!" don't worry, i hope i don't post a similar question since it's really focus on these 2 softwares. But if i'm worried that with a "correct" PC and the fastest preset i can't stream PUBG/Unreal when without obs run very smoothly.

Thx you,



Active Member
27 plugins + scripts...
You need to clean this first.

Windows Game Mode is helpfull. Turn it on.
Display capture must be on its own separated sence, not within game or window capture.


New Member
27 plugins + scripts...
You need to clean this first.

Windows Game Mode is helpfull. Turn it on.
Display capture must be on its own separated sence, not within game or window capture.

Yeah i was thinking about this, i'm gonna do a perfect clean or remove some plugin, how many plugins is a good number of plugins for you ?

Concerning the Windows Game Mode, you are actually the first in 10 year that tell me that this thing is a good thing in obs. Can you elaborate more on why i should activate it i'm curious to learn more.

Same for Display Capture i'm curious to know more, i use a nested scene called "Game" with my Screen Full capture or Game Capture, and with my streamdeck i activate one or the other source.


New Member
Ciao gente, mi chiamo Algost, utilizzo OBS dal 2012~ guardo molti creatori di contenuti sull'aggiornamento e il plug-in di OBS perché sono curioso e mi interessa questo argomento, penso di sapere come funziona OBS, ma in questi giorni ho un problema e non so cosa fare, quindi sono venuto qui per ascoltare la saggezza del forum OBS.

Generalmente lo streaming di un videogioco non è un grosso problema per me, anche se non ho l'ultima CPU e CGU, penso che il mio PC sia buono, ecco le specifiche:
CG: NVIDIA Corporation TU106 [GeForce RTX 2070]
CPU: Intel Core i9 9900K cadenzato a 3,60 GHz
RAM: 48,0 GB

Recentemente ho riscontrato due problemi di cui non riesco a malapena a eseguire lo streaming, il primo è PUBG.

Per quanto ne so, l'ottimizzazione del gioco è spazzatura. Molte persone hanno problemi a trasmetterlo in streaming con una buona qualità. Quando lo gioco senza OBS e in qualità media, ho circa 115 ips, funziona bene, è fluido e riproducibile correttamente. Se vado basso posso anche arrivare fino a 160-180 ips in gioco (uso il contatore fps di Steam in sovrapposizione)

Ma se avvio OBS scendo quasi di circa 100 ~ ips e il gioco non sembra reattivo, OBS mi ha anche detto "Sovraccarico codifica", quindi cambio la mia preimpostazione (uso NVDIA NVENC H.264) con risoluzione 1080p senza downscale.

Penso che il mio PC funzioni normalmente e mi consenta di eseguire correttamente lo streaming di PUBG, penso di aver visto una configurazione più piccola ottenere prestazioni migliori nello streaming di questo gioco, non capisco perché funzioni per me, sto cercando aiuto.

Puoi vedere molti contenuti (era un torneo pubg) e puoi vedere che la mia qualità è molto bassa ed è ancora quasi non riproducibile:

Motore irreale:
Sono uno sviluppatore di giochi indipendente e volevo fare uno streaming live del mio viaggio su questo motore su Twitch, ma mi rendo conto che ogni volta che vado in modalità di gioco su Unreal diventa lento da morire e OBS mi dice di scegliere un preset più basso ma sono sul preset più basso, puoi vederlo qui !

Anche quando creo il mio gioco in un file .exe e provo a registrare alcuni filmati di gioco, OBS rallenta molto, anche se un file .exe consuma meno di un motore completo. Quindi non so cosa fare.

Esempio di record caricato:
È in Cattura schermo

Ecco un registro in cui all'inizio gioco un po' a Pubg e va bene direi e alla fine eseguo Unreal Engine e riproduco la mia scena e va molto lentamente:

Ho già letto il tuo argomento "Utilizzo elevato della CPU/Codifica elevata/Impiega troppo tempo per la codifica? Leggi prima questo!" non preoccuparti, spero di non pubblicare una domanda simile poiché è incentrata su questi 2 software. Ma se sono preoccupato che con un PC "corretto" e la preimpostazione più veloce non riesco a eseguire lo streaming di PUBG/Unreal quando senza obs funziona molto bene.


A Me obs non funziona più


Active Member
Concerning the Windows Game Mode, you are actually the first in 10 year that tell me that this thing is a good thing in obs. Can you elaborate more on why i should activate it i'm curious to learn more.

Same for Display Capture i'm curious to know more, i use a nested scene called "Game" with my Screen Full capture or Game Capture, and with my streamdeck i activate one or the other source.
When Windows 10 released the Game Mode was bad. They fixed it. People still watch old videos with really old advices. There's no new videos on this because there's no need for them. Simple don't watch old videos unless you're trying to run an old version of OBS on an old computer.
It's the same with HAGS, but HAGS still is bad and not fixed.

Display capture conflicts with game and window capture as stated on the analizer.
Some games don't allow the use of game capture or window capture due to cheats. I guess cheats use a similar approach for overlaying themselves, so instead of doing something against cheats they simple don't allow this methods anymore.

About the plugins, the less the better. Anything you don't use, remove.


New Member
Io non uso trucchi di nessun tipo! usavo OBS solo per stremmare dei Film e stare un po' in compagnia. Tutto qui


Active Member
Please stop hijacking other people posts.
You already posted too many threads and never read the pinned posts on this forum, which you should. If no one answer is because no one knows the answer or no one understand the issue you're talking about.


New Member

Here's a new log files of my OBS, i fresh reinstall it and it already take me 30% of my CPU even tho i render with my GPU.
And when i launch PUBG i got the 100% CPU usage when he take 40% and OBS 30% so i freaking don't understand and it drive me sad really :(

I launched PUBG at the end of my stream, so i guess it's in the end of the log file


Active Member
The antivirus, like any other antivirus, is intrusive. This makes the use of the CPU higher too. You don't need more than the Windows security as far as you have good behaviour online.
The CPU is always used. Everything goes thru it and the RAM.
Most filters use the CPU.
Having too many Scenes and sources in a the scene colection also causes more use of the CPU/RAM. Some times is better to have separated scene collections so you free up resources.
Browser sources are actually browser windows that uses CPU and RAM, consuming resurces. In top of this the wall of errors from the vaious sites (SE, ko-fi, etc) makes the log file almost unreadable.
The more clutter, the worst it is for the system.


New Member
Don't you think i should use the CPU encoder instead of the GPU ?
EDIT : I saw i was using x264 and not GPU, since the reinstall i forgot to make a switch

Also i don't know how many scenes is too much, i use a lot of Nestead scene cuz it's more smart then just Copy and paste stuff in everyscene. all my browser source are shutdown when not visible.
No real streamers don't use stuff like SE or equivalent, but maybe i can provide a log files without them if you are interessed.

As for my antivirus i use Panda Dome, and yeah i can deactivate it when i want to play indeed


Active Member
Your GPU is more capable for encoding (unless broken) and let free more resources than the CPU.

Run the Auto-configuration Wizard selecting the GPU for encoder and apply the settings it gives.
Restart OBS (!important)
Now test as is.
If all goes well, you're done. Keep in in simple output mode.

Real streamers just stream. I pointed out that the wall of errors this services drop on the log file makes it way too hard to read.