Question / Help Can't Record SupCom FA in dual monitor mode


New Member
So I was trying to record just one screen of my forged alliance game, the game is capable of dual monitors. When I record the first screen its all cropped and stuff. I'm using game capture and I tried recording both forged alliance windows since it has one for each monitor. In order for me to record, I have to set the game to single monitor mode, but I don't want to have to do that. Any suggestions?


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Hmm, both plugged in to the same video adapter too, it feels like that sort of thing shouldn't really happen, though it's not easy to predict how the driver will handle these things. So it's not your system, and now I think I have a better idea of what's going on: it's most likely that capturing two screens at once is splitting it off in to two backbuffers, causing OBS to capture the data of only one monitor. Does that perhaps sound correct?

If my theory is correct and that is what it is, then I'm not entirely sure about how fixable that sort of thing is, because that may be a game-specific or driver-specific thing.