Question / Help Can OBS record multiple audio tracks?


Can OBS record multiple audio tracks? Specifically, microphone input on one track, and soundflower loopback on a second track?

Bonus points if it can record three tracks -- microphone, and two different soundflower devices (one getting a game, the other getting either TeamSpeak or Skype).


Active Member
Yes. You need to use mkv or mp4 as a container; flv can't contain multiple tracks.

You can record up to 4 tracks and select any one or more of your configured audio devices to be on each of those tracks.


Sapiens, that doesn't help me. It tells me to use CRF for quality, which I am already doing for recording. But that doesn't tell me anything about how to do multiple-track audio, and even with CRF 14, text is still significantly less sharp (even in the preview window).


Aha! The "how": Above the audio sources is "Mixer <gear symbol>". Clicking that gear symbol (not the gears next to the audio sources).