New Member
Not an error afaik, so I felt no need to share a log file.

Hello, I've been using an older version of OBS because many of my stream assets were made in flash, but I had forgotten that, and decided to update. New OBS is admittedly quite nice (I really love the folders for my sources), and I'd hate to give up the shiny new OBS I have today and all it's new features. That said, again, I use flash.

I use Flash because the dynamic nature of .SWF file compared to traditional video files, and because I lack of knowledge in the only real alternative to flash (HTML5). So, Is there any way to force-enable flash player in the current version of OBS? I don't just want to window capture because when I scene transition, the old flash file I was running has to be closed manually, and I need to either already have the next one open (resource intensive), or manually open the new .SWF file AFTER changing scenes (slow/tedious).

I understand that everyone hates flash now, and that it's old and a security risk, but If I made the .SWF, it's actionscript runs entirely offline, I have flash player installed on my computer, and it worked just fine on old OBS, then why can't I use it? Doesn't chromium still support flash at the moment? If it doesn't, is it possible for me to change the internal browser to firefox?

If nothing else, and I hate to seem rude to the skilled, and hardworking developers of this software, but could someone tell me the last version of OBS that supported flash? For the record, I do plan on eventually transitioning over to HTML5, but it's gonna take a bit of time, so I'd like something that'll at least work for now as I transition everything over.



Active Member
You could use Media Source for single flash files or VLC Video Source for multiple files or to playback entire folders.


New Member
You could use Media Source for single flash files or VLC Video Source for multiple files or to playback entire folders.

Thanks for the reply! Sadly, no-can-do. Media source will not display .SWF files or flash files inside an .EXE, and VLC can only play swf files that don't have dynamic content. In fact, my flash files won't even open in VLC.


Active Member
Bummer, cause I've played shockwave files with VLC in the past but I guess the dynamic content causes issues. I just don't have any handy on any of the 20 hard drives I have hooked up now. I'd have to start pulling drives from storage to find any.

Might be worthwhile to find something to remux them or re-encode them. Suppossedly Handbrake can work with them, just don't know if you'll run into trouble with the files you have.


New Member
Bummer, cause I've played shockwave files with VLC in the past but I guess the dynamic content causes issues. I just don't have any handy on any of the 20 hard drives I have hooked up now. I'd have to start pulling drives from storage to find any.

Might be worthwhile to find something to remux them or re-encode them. Suppossedly Handbrake can work with them, just don't know if you'll run into trouble with the files you have.

Converting a flash file to video is quick n' easy, I could use a lot of different methods to accomplish that if I wanted, that's not the issue.

Having a video file instead of a .swf file would defeat the purpose of making things such as countdown timers, pressable buttons, or multiple infinitely looping animations of varying lengths. Thanks for the show for concern though!

I'm thinking of just downloading each version one-by-one till I get to one that supports flash (seeing as the changelog fails to mention it). Assuming there's absolutely nothing that can be done, I'll be sure to update this thread with the last version that supports it in case someone else with the same issue finds this thread.


New Member
You can try launching OBS with `--enable-system-flash`added to the shortcut.
I'm so extremely sorry for attempting to revive this dead thread, after all this time I truly didn't realize it had gotten another response the following day! I must have missed the notification!
Although I've found some clunky workarounds, I'm most definitely still interested to know if there's any way I can have OBS run .swf files as media or in a browser source. I tried adding those parameters to the shortcut, and nothing seemed to change. If you have any other ideas I'd very greatly appreciate it!


Active Member
If you want a pure *.swf file to play, no web site included, you can still download the standalone flash player from Adobe. It's an *.exe file you start, then open the *.swf to play. It's called "Flash player projector". Standalone, no browser integration. With OBS, you can capture the player window with game capture (or with window capture, if game capture doesn't work. For me, game capture seem to work best)


New Member
If you want a pure *.swf file to play, no web site included, you can still download the standalone flash player from Adobe. It's an *.exe file you start, then open the *.swf to play. It's called "Flash player projector". Standalone, no browser integration. With OBS, you can capture the player window with game capture (or with window capture, if game capture doesn't work. For me, game capture seem to work best)

Thank you for your reply!
Yeah, I have the projector on my PC, and this might work in some small one-off cases, but it's not a real solution.
Running them in various separate windows and capturing the windows every time I use OBS is a nightmare, especially if the windows accidentally get resized somehow. To have them available to quickly refer to when switching scenes or anything like that, they'd need to run in the background at all times. I'd also need to manually disable any sound output that they may have when I'm not using them which is also not realistic during a live broadcast.There's also significant resource hogging especially on files that have a lot of things going on. This is like having to open a VLC window for every media file in all of your scenes that isn't a static image before starting stream.
I appreciate your desire to help though, thank you!