Camera Source format


Any way we can get different codecs for the camera sourcing, Im assuming you're using RGB24 since im getting the same issue with stuttery sound on Xsplit as well. Any idea if we can get MJPG codecs as well for OBS so it would fix the stuttering issue? I use MJPG over the RGB24 codec because of this stuttering issue, otherwise i'd use the camera source for streaming.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
hm, very interesting. I could make it use MJPG - I didn't realize that stuttering problems could occur otherwise. want to drop by the chat some time? I could make a version for you that does this and you could see if it helps. #obsproject on quakenet


Forum Moderator
MJPG works fine for me with my LifeCam Studio. The only issue is it uses the Microsoft MJPEG decoder which is very slow.