Question / Help Blank black recording using game capture?


New Member
I'm trying to use the game capture to record Magicka: Wizard wars, but whenever I start recording it just stays black. It records the audio fine, but theres no video...just blank blackness....


New Member
Also, game capture works fine for other programs. It just doesn't work for magicka wizard wars for some reason.
I would use capture window, but I don't want the black borders around it.


I think F12 is the default hotkey for GameSource capture.

1) Right-click GameSource and instead of trying to find your games window, click 'use Hotkey' and press F12 (or your hotkey) when you have the game in focus and let me know :)


disclaimer: my eyes aren't the freshest at the moment so I'd wait for someone with a bit more experience to pass through :)

With that in mind, I know from loving the series that Wizard Wars is in open beta so who knows what problems may arise! Have you tried to see if it works using the CPU and x264 instead of NVENC?

Have you disabled all on-board graphics?

from the log it looks like you're skipping quite a few frames.... oh. Ok.

Your bitrate is 5250. Lower it a bit - 2000 - 2500.Key int of 2.

Can you tell me if that's the only game that doesn't work? :)


New Member
Yeah this is the only game that it's not working for. I've recorded battlefield 4 at 6000 bitrate so I don't see how that could be the problem. I've tried using both encoders but no luck with either of them. My cpu or motherboard don't have any onboard/integrated graphics so... cant really disable them.


New Member
Not sure if bumping is allowed or not... but yeah I would like a solution to this problem as none have been successful so far :/


Community Helper
Can you post a log where you actually tried using Game capture to capture Magicka? Because that log does not contain a game capture source.

Also, that GPU is beyond terrible. You're using NVENC, which is fine, but the scene composition that OBS is doing on the card is running extremely slowly. You should lower your resolution quite a lot.


New Member
My graphics card is completely fine. Just because it isn't a GTX series doesn't mean it doesn't have power. I play bf4 medium-high 25+fps so I'm fine with it.

And anti-cheat compatibility worked by the way, so thanks for that.


Community Helper
No, that GPU is awful. It's really really bad. I don't care if it's GTX or not, its VRAM/bus is simply not fast enough to copy textures like OBS needs it to. It is causing major performance issues in OBS, and you need to downscale quite a lot to fix it.

And playing BF4 at only 25fps is not a thing to brag about.