Audio drifts out of sync


New Member
Windows 10 Pro
i-5 12600/32GB RAM (b-die)
EVGA 3080 ti Hybrid

I have been recording live streams and noticed that sometimes the video and audio stay in sync for a 90-minute recording and sometimes they do not. I am seeing that a file may stay in sync for approximately the first half of the video and then they begin to drift out of sync by the end of the file.

If I try multiple times I can typically get a clean recording but I do not want to keep wasting 3, 4, or 5 tries at 90 minutes each with spot-checking. I suppose I can figure out how to stretch the audio in Davinci but shouldn't this just work?

Have others seen audio and video drift out of sync?


Active Member
1. don't ignore pinned post in this forum about posting your OBS log so folks can check a stream/recording log for settings details

Previous troubleshooting I've read about
- mentions ensuring same audio sampling rate across audio devices (ok if not, if all else is just right, but if system gets busy, and sampling rate mis-match, then potential for drift)
- making sure CPU is not overwhelmed during recording session as that can lead to drift (amongst other undesirable effects)


New Member
Thank you, Lawrence and I saw it but was unsure if logs were appropriate in this use case. I will have to wait and reproduce the drift since the ten webcasts that I was capturing expired this morning. I will post a log then. I was capturing the video in the 2K native formats for my monitor so 3-hour files were pretty large. Although I also tried 1080p as well as splitting the capture into two pieces to make smaller files. It may have been a read/write issue with my Samsung Pro NVME, otherwise, this task does not tax my GPU or CPU at all.


Active Member
A single recording session, at 1440p30? that would not, on its own, saturate a NVMe SSD. HOWEVER, if that SSD is your boot drive, and you are running other tasks, security s/w, etc.. etc... then no way for any of us to know your Disk I/O rates. Standard Hardware Resource Monitoring is key (Task Manager (Performance) and/or Resource Monitor are your friends


Active Member
Might it be related to this issue on GitHub?:
That's about the Monitor (usually headphones) output getting out of sync while the main output (stream and recording) stays good, but *maybe* there's something similar going on for you?