audio delay with video recording


New Member
I am recording videos with a webcam (Logitec Brio) and microphone (Blue Yeti X) and have the following problem:
The audio recording seems to be delayed. The first syllable of the first word and sometimes the entire first word is not recorded completely.

Does anyone have an idea how I can solve this problem?
Many thanks for your help


Active Member
My first thought is to allow some "leader" between the start button and the actual content, just to let the system settle down. You don't need much, just enough that that video would have been okay.

If you're asking about the A/V sync, there's an audio delay in the Advanced Audio Properties, and a video delay in the Filters. You might play with those and see if you can make it line up.
A good way to do that is to load the recording into your favorite video editor, split the audio to its own track, and line them up manually. Then see what it took to do that, and translate it back into a delay in OBS. Make another test recording, and keep tweaking until it's right.

If you're using a USB capture device, especially a cheap one, then the perfect sync might be a moving target. I just recently swapped 4 USB capture cards for a 4-channel internal card, and that was a massive improvement! In addition to the other problems, the 4 USB cards always had slightly different latency from one run to another, which meant that the cameras were always out of sync with each other by different amounts each time.


New Member
Yes, the Blue Yeti X is connected via USB. The microphone is not a professional one but also actually not cheap.

Would it be OK for you to take a screenshot of the "Advanced Audio Properties" settings?
And in which filter do I find the setting for the "video delay"?

Thank you very much in advance


Active Member
Yes, the Blue Yeti X is connected via USB. The microphone is not a professional one but also actually not cheap.
USB video has more of a problem with latency than USB audio does.

Would it be OK for you to take a screenshot of the "Advanced Audio Properties" settings?
And in which filter do I find the setting for the "video delay"?

I'm not at the rig right now that actually needs the 330ms audio delay, but that's where it goes.

That's roughly what it took to align one USB video capture with another, but it would always be different every time we shut down the computer and started it back up again. The single 4-input PCIe card fixed that.

And of course, the audio delay had to be bigger then too - about 500ms - to account for the latency through the USB video captures and the additional delay to (try to) keep them in sync with each other.