Audio became choppy after 1 hr stream for approximately 1 min & a half on my PC u.u


& after this period time audio back to normal state,this dont happens on my laptop e.e
Heres my audio configs on PC...
Captura de tela 2024-07-22 02.57.02.png

Captura de tela 2024-07-22 02.57.14.png

Captura de tela 2024-07-22 02.57.37.png

Captura de tela 2024-07-22 02.57.56.png


Active Member
Make sure ALL of your audio devices have the sample rate as OBS. If still having issues, then


I did this stream recently,at this point the audio gets choppy for a few minutes & then goes back to normal u.u
Here is the audio configuration here which is the same as in OBS...
Captura de tela 2024-07-26 15.01.04.png
I attached the log file on this post u.u


  • 2024-07-26 00-35-22.txt
    55.3 KB · Views: 11

Suslik V

Active Member
00:42:11.557: WriteN, RTMP send error 10054 (4104 bytes)
00:42:11.557: WriteN, RTMP send error 10038 (67 bytes)
00:42:11.557: WriteN, RTMP send error 10038 (42 bytes)
from the log means network errors (bad connection).


00:42:11.557: WriteN, RTMP send error 10054 (4104 bytes)
00:42:11.557: WriteN, RTMP send error 10038 (67 bytes)
00:42:11.557: WriteN, RTMP send error 10038 (42 bytes)
from the log means network errors (bad connection).
Thats so weird,even more so since there were no connection peaks here e.e
Ill change the configuration a little in OBS for see if it remains the same u.u


Captura de tela 2024-07-27 02.57.26.png
I changed the settings a little bit,but besides the audio still being choppy the quality also decreases when there are too many elements on the screen(& I attached a new log) ¬¬


  • 2024-07-27 01-03-51.txt
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Active Member
Somehow you're making it worse.

Revert everything to default and start using simple output mode.
You have a good GPU that can handle without issues playing games, recording and streaming.
Don't over-complicate things, keep them simple.

If the audio with issues is captured using the plugin, then you need to contact the developer of this plugin. Actually, this plugin caused issues on the past. Make sure it's updated and compatible with OBS 3.2.*

And this is the worse problem you have:
02:47:43.995: Number of memory leaks: 318
Looks like the plugins you're using are broken.


Active Member
Some rendering lag/GPU overload, encoding lag, along with lots of dropped frames. Clearly there's not enough bandwidth to send out 8-10 streams concurrently using the current bit-rate. Your LAN looks OK. Try reducing the bit-rate of the streams to 3000 or 2500kb/s see if there's improvement.

Some other suggestions to get you running better:
Disable HAGS
Set Color Range to Partial
Mics are failing in the 2nd log, fix Sample Rate mis-matches.
Scenes have loads of Display, Game, Window Captures. Only (1) per to avoid interference.

1080p Recording:
00:37:58.946: [obs-nvenc: 'advanced_video_stream'] settings:
00:37:58.946: codec: H264
00:37:58.946: rate_control: CBR > CQP
00:37:58.946: bitrate:
00:37:58.946: cqp: 15 - 18
00:37:58.946: keyint: 120
00:37:58.946: preset: p7 > p5
00:37:58.946: tuning: ull > HQ
00:37:58.946: multipass: disabled > qres
00:37:58.946: profile: main > High
00:37:58.946: width: 1920
00:37:58.946: height: 1080
00:37:58.946: b-frames: 4 > 0
00:37:58.946: lookahead: false
00:37:58.946: psycho_aq: false

720p Streams
01:25:25.573: [FFmpeg NVENC encoder: 'multi-rtmp-video-encoder'] settings:
01:25:25.573: encoder: NVIDIA NVENC H.264 (FFmpeg)
01:25:25.573: rate_control: CBR
01:25:25.573: bitrate: 5000 > 2500 - 3000
01:25:25.573: cqp: 0
01:25:25.573: keyint: -1 > 2 Seconds
01:25:25.573: preset: p5 > p2
01:25:25.573: tuning: hq
01:25:25.573: multipass: qres
01:25:25.573: profile: high
01:25:25.573: width: 720
01:25:25.573: height: 1280
01:25:25.573: b-frames: 4 > 2
01:25:25.573: psycho-aq: 1 > false
01:25:25.573: GPU: 0



Active Member
Go into your BIOS & enable your iGPU if you would like another hardware encoder in the mix. The 3060 will max out @ 8 concurrent encodes, although it appears you are using the same encoding for all the out-going streams & that's good.


I sincerely appreciate all the suggestions who yours given here,Ill test them here & then when I finish Ill tell how it went ^^


Captura de tela 2024-08-04 05.28.21.png

Captura de tela 2024-08-04 05.28.34.png

Captura de tela 2024-08-04 05.28.56.png

Captura de tela 2024-08-04 05.29.03.png

Captura de tela 2024-08-04 05.29.11.png
I tried these above settings with some things as yours instructed me here,but besides the audio getting choppy after 1 hour of streaming the quality was horrible at times when the game screen had too many elements at the same time e.e
Ill report here until anything works,but I thx in advance for the help that yours giving to me (@^0^)
But one thing I till find strange is that yours claim that what could be causing this is because of multi RTMP,broken or outdated plugins & multiple sources in the same scene,when in on my laptop & in another user profiles & another scene collections here on my PC I dont have this problem o.o


  • 2024-08-04 04-13-17.txt
    48.5 KB · Views: 4
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Active Member
There's no encoding/rendering lag. Just dropped frames.

05:26:32.981: Output 'multi-output': Number of dropped frames due to insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls: 990 (0.4%)
05:26:32.981: Output 'multi-output': Number of dropped frames due to insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls: 353 (0.1%)
05:26:32.981: Output 'multi-output': Total drawn frames: 251788
05:26:32.981: Output 'multi-output': stopping
05:26:32.981: Output 'multi-output': Total frames output: 251613
05:26:32.981: Output 'multi-output': Total drawn frames: 251805
05:26:32.981: [rtmp stream: 'multi-output'] User stopped the stream
05:26:32.981: Output 'multi-output': Number of dropped frames due to insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls: 7941 (3.2%)
05:26:32.981: [rtmp stream: 'multi-output'] Socket send buffer is 524288 bytes
05:26:32.981: Output 'multi-output': stopping
05:26:32.981: Output 'multi-output': Total frames output: 238653
05:26:32.981: Output 'multi-output': Total drawn frames: 238960
05:26:33.011: [rtmp stream: 'multi-output'] User stopped the stream
05:26:33.011: [rtmp stream: 'multi-output'] Socket send buffer is 65536 bytes
05:26:33.011: Output 'multi-output': stopping
05:26:33.011: Output 'multi-output': Total frames output: 235252 (251614 attempted)
05:26:33.011: Output 'multi-output': Total drawn frames: 251806
05:26:33.011: Output 'multi-output': Number of dropped frames due to insufficient bandwidth/connection stalls: 16362 (6.5%)



Active Member
There's no shot running all of those multi-outputs. I count (9) out going streams, some of them completely failed 3 minutes after you went live. The streams that didn't fail still failed with dropped frames. Dynamic bit-rate isn't going to magically fix anything either.


Thats what I dont understand,on my laptop with the same platforms in multi RTMP,same resolution & scene settings & in places with worse internet conditions none of this happens ¬¬


Active Member
This is where the problems are:
05:26:24.414: WriteN, RTMP send error 10054 (4104 bytes)
05:26:24.414: WriteN, RTMP send error 10038 (67 bytes)
05:26:24.414: WriteN, RTMP send error 10038 (42 bytes)

This errors indicates an issue within the network. As you stated with another computer this isn't happening, then the problem is on the network adapter on your motherboard (probably the driver), the cable you're using or the port where the cable is connected into router/modem.
Test it changing the port on the router/modem where it connects. Or using a different cable.
For the driver, go to the motherboard vendors site and look for the specific network drivers for you. All the vendors have updates in there.
Be sure to check the bios too in case they solve an issue on this topic. Do not update it if no need for it.

A simple search on the web resulted in to this must read all:
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Im here looking at everything according to what yours said,if yours needs I can attach logs of what I have on the laptop so yours can have a better analysis ._.