Any Way To Make All Vocals Sound The Exact Same?


New Member
Ok let's get right to the point.
I was wondering if there was a way to make everything have the same volume on my microphone. (Blue Yeti)

For Example, I would still want the background to be reduced. But whenever I whisper, I would like that to be heard the exact same as my normal voice. If not, I would understand that it may not be physically possible. Thanks!


Active Member
OBS Studio already comes with full audio processing filters for normalizing/limiting/ducking. Just add and use these audio filters: Gain, Compressor, Limiter.
Making the background quieter while you speak is called ducking and you use the compressor for it, giving the background audio source as Sidechain/Ducking source.
Normalizing is what you do with a combination of Gain and Compressor. A second compressor filter, if you already have one for ducking, with different settings.
To finally cut the loudest spikes, use a limiter.

For details, see: