Question / Help AMD Drivers causing OBS to black-screen. Fixed it by rolling back.


New Member
So a few days ago I updated my AMD Radeon drivers. Nothin' special there. However, when I was going to use OBS, it got a black screen. I was confused. I had already previously fixed the issue and I did not want OBS to OBS me (Oh this is so BullS*it). I did some ADVANCED RESEARCH (searching up Youtube videos) and found out the root of the issue: the AMD Radeon drivers. When I first booted up AMD and got the black screen, I dug around on Youtube and found a solution: To put OBS on power saving. Basically, ya go to Radeon and make it so that OBS is run on power saving mode. FIxed everything. However, when I rechecked it, guess what? It goes high performance now. I thought Hey man, those new AMD Drivers must've reset OBS or somethin'. So I put it back on power saving mode.
Of course, that did nothing. I was confused. OBS was OBSing me. So I dug around a bit more and found the root of the issue: The drivers. Mainly, for whatever reason, the new drivers that I had installed were preventing OBS from running on power saving mode. Whenever I exit out of OBS, Radeon tells me that it's on battery saving. Whenever I reboot OBS, however, it automatically switches to high performance. Hell, even when I did put power saving when OBS was running, that did nothing. Still a black screen. The option just wasn't saving.
I reinstalled OBS and did pretty much everything I could do. I was about to load up a restore point when I thought of rolling back my Radeon drivers. OBS worked. It was at that point that I knew that Radeon likes to give me the middle finger.
Of course, I would like to know if there was any way for me to keep those drivers as rolling them back gave me some liabilities, such as:
1. Being unable to access the Radeon Control Center (it just gives me an error message saying "Hey man. Update those faulty drivers or I wont work, ya dingus. Frick you. Bye)
2. Those drivers improved performance (at least, according to AMD)
and 3. Those drivers broke nothing but OBS. Bluestacks worked, games worked, Papers Please worked, the Inc. Duos worked (Bio and Plague Inc.), pretty much everything worked. They did not negatively impact my PC in any way apart from breaking OBS. And I would like having up-to-date drivers. They really help.
Any helpful advice and tips would be greatly appreciated. I will stay away from AMD Radeon drivers for now.
P.S. I can't attach a log file because I really don't wanna break OBS again.