AFK/Mute Scene/Source Switcher

Thanks. I wouldn't worry about it turning up twice.

I hope it's me mishandling the file path due to the ä as then that should hopefully be fixable. It may be a few days until I have a fix if that is the problem. If it's not then it may be longer...


New Member
Try looking into the source code of another plugin maybe? And check how it is handled there? Simple Scene Switcher has a puplic source code and it is also saving a config.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Being able to do things like switch scenes depending on very simple conditions is something that I'd really like to make easier, and not necessarily require plugins. I'm sorry that you guys have to write this at the moment. I'm going to attempt to implement that sort of stuff at some point in time in the rewrite later on down the road now that it's much easier to do.
adocilesloth updated AFK/Mute Scene Switcher with a new update entry:

Fixed some compatibility with PSV

Fixed most of the compatibility issues with the Per Scene Volume plugin. Using both plugins should no longer crash OBS.

However, if you use this plugin to switch to a muted scene when both the desktop and mic are muted there is a new problem. If you mute your mic last, the scene will switch but there is a chance the mic will unmute if the muted scene has an unmuted desktop when you switch to it. This is giving me a bit of a headack trying to fix it so I decided to push the update so most...

Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
Don't want to be rude, but shouldn't be there a "thanks to PF4NDY" in the note for pointing out that compatibility issue. I mean, I didn't had to register here to tell you guys if I wouldn't be that nice guy. But a thanks would be the least you can do, or I am I wrong and just a dic* about it right now?

Can you try this 32bit .dll Hopefully should work but you never know.
Worked! You can add the changes / the fix to the 64 bit version now, too. Thanks.
Thanks for helping me test the file path stuff, you were a great help. Glad it's now working!

The file path update is in both the current 32 and 64 bit .dlls. The fix was in the code for those, I just didn't know it was fixed, so you can just grab the latest version from the OP. I'll also post an update:


New Member
Hey, I have a teamspeak plugin which has the exact same issue with the configuration path as I had with this plugin before.
Could you tell me how you fixed it here? (In [code ][/code] maybe)
If I remember correctly, it was the way I pulled the file path from OBS. If you are developing for TS and not OBS, this won't work but the idea behind it may. What I used was to fix the issue was:

ifstream settings;
wstring path = OBSGetPluginDataPath().Array(); + L"\\filename");

I can't remember which method I used when it didn't work, but that's what it is now.


New Member
the config function in ts3 is

maybe I can send you the source of the plugin and you can fix the spot?


Is there a way you can configure this plugin to also allow you to, instead of switch scenes, but toggle a source on/off? Instead of switching scenes to pop up text saying mic muted, it can just enable the source within the scene.


The Helping Squad
(As I dont think plugins can currently do that: Duplicate the scene, add text to the new scene, let it switch to the new scene)
I just looked through the API and tried a couple of things. It does look like it's possible to do (although I did think that it wasn't to start with). I'm currently working on something else at the moment but I should be finished with that in a day or two. I'll have a proper go at getting the hide/show source to work once I've done with that. Until then, you will have to do what Jack0r suggested.


(As I dont think plugins can currently do that: Duplicate the scene, add text to the new scene, let it switch to the new scene)
I play over a dozen games. I'd have to make a duplicate scene for each of them and then configure this manually for each scene.

I just looked through the API and tried a couple of things. It does look like it's possible to do (although I did think that it wasn't to start with). I'm currently working on something else at the moment but I should be finished with that in a day or two. I'll have a proper go at getting the hide/show source to work once I've done with that. Until then, you will have to do what Jack0r suggested.
Sounds cool.
adocilesloth updated AFK/Mute Scene Switcher with a new update entry:

Added option to toggle Source

At the request of ball2hi, the option to toggle on/off a source has been added. It still uses the same triggers as the scene switching:


Name change in the Plugins list to: AFK/Mute Scene/Source Switcher

Read the rest of this update entry...


New Member
So it switches only to the muted scene?

No way to make it switch back when the scene is unmuted...