additional features that i would LOVE to see.


New Member
Hello, i recently found this amazing piece of software and i would like to request some additional features, if it is even possible.

the majority of my suggestions deal with the personal copy being saved to your PC, when enabled. what i would love to see here are the options of multiple audio soundtracks and a better video quality, if possible higher resolution too.

i ask this because i not only want the ability to stream my content i would also like to be able to go back and edit said higher quality for youtube highlights. But running a HQ recorder + streamer is very demanding even on my high end rig. the MAIN key here is the ability to single out the audio tracks, because video can be reused if necessary. but when i am playing music+game+VOIP+Mic i must be able to properly separate them. i personally have all those playing off a separate devices on my PC and thus are possible to separate into individual tracks. but most of the time being able to have 3 different tracks so i can later isolate the game and maybe voip+mic when editing for youtube would be amazing.