A Simple Fix To OBS' High Memory Usage


New Member
very helpful!! Wow did not know the size will matter of the file...720p is much smaller. Let me try that.
I have an internet speed of 200MB at the moment - how do i set it to 2 mbps?
Do you maybe have a guide to ''the best streaming settings for obs'' perhaps?


New Member
my current settings....


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very helpful!! Wow did not know the size will matter of the file...720p is much smaller. Let me try that.
I have an internet speed of 200MB at the moment - how do i set it to 2 mbps?
Do you maybe have a guide to ''the best streaming settings for obs'' perhaps?
2 mb is 2000k. you have 2500 which is fine. You said 200m, but is that 200 up? yes, 720p is 1280 x 720. 720p is usualy around 2 to 2.5 mbs, while 1080p is 4500. Youtube actaully wants you to do lower bit rate. No guide.

What I would do is this:
Create and get one channel on youtube working. use obs and the vlc plugin. Create a scene and source and point it at a folder with stream #1 mp4s. Name the scene colllection "stream 1". Create the youtube profile "PROFILE 1"., get the stream key for stream 1. create the profile using this stream key.

At this point you have a profile and scene collection that will stream to youtube. test it out, make it work.

You can make a desk top icon with the following on-line args

"where ever"\OBS\obs-studio\bin\64bit\obs64.exe --multi, -m --collection "STREAM 1"" --profile "PROFILE 1"

THE -collection "STREAM 1" will use scene collection "stream 1" when it starts.
The -profile "PROFILE 1" will start with that profile.
The -mult -m will allow you to run multiple copies of obs without any warnings.

So at this point, you can start obs with all of stream 1 settings.

When this works, we are ready for stream 2.

Get a new youtube stream key for strean 2. Use obs to copy the stream 1 profile , give it "profile 2" as the new name. Change the stream key entry in this profile. Dup the stream 1 scene collection, give it the name "stream 2".
Make a new deskcut short cut: .... \obs64.exe --multi, -m --collection "STREAM 2"" --profile "PROFILE 2"
test that. You now have 2 channels

Repeat the above steps until you have :
20 scene collections called "STREAM 1", "STREAM 2", STREAM X ETC
20 profiles called "PROFILE 1, "PROFILE 2", pROFILE X ETC (requires 20 different youtube stream keys)
20 Desktop shortcuts

There you go.
Hopefully you have enough computer power to run all. I'd try it in steps, say 5 streams, see what your computer is doing. Be sure to use the gpu processors if you have them. Rduces cpu load

Hope that helps.


If you wish to talk more, go to the 24/7 boradcast forum that i gave you earlier. It's more helpfulf if other pople on that forum are helped by my answers and maybe that can help also.


New Member
ok, my stream was good for the 1st 30 mins, but after some time all started to glitch so had to stop it...No idea why as I've reset it with RamMap, but keeps glitching.

Files are now a lot smaller (500 MB instead of 4Gig)

Unsure what to do...

I always get super smooth streaming with ''Media Source'', but for some reason, it cuts off 3 days in...


New Member
I've even lower the bitrate on my videos now to 2000, but no difference...
Also lowered the quality from HD to 720p, but still glitches...


I've even lower the bitrate on my videos now to 2000, but no difference...
Also lowered the quality from HD to 720p, but still glitches...
No $$ required. Thank you for the offer. Just pay it forward and help someone else in the community at a future date. My first beta user reported gliches and found that in the setting>advance tab, you need to under thh newword section, turn off all the setting and set to default.


You should monitor your bitrate to youtube and also dropped frames. a bit rate that is going up and down a lot indicates maybe a non healthy connection. Also dropped freames indicated a non healthy connection. (Some are allowed, but not many) Also to a goggle speed test and make sure you have 200 mbs UP. Also in the future when you have a lot fo channels going, you should use a SSD drive. Reading 16 videos at one time will cause a normal hard drive to buzz (thrash)


I do thank you for the paypal offer. Many times I've helpped people and have not even gotten a thank you, Discouraging. LOL. SO I do appreciate your thank you.


ok still doing the same...unsure what to do more so it wont buffer...
personally, I'd get rid of the ultra low latency setting. you are causing youtube to have a very small buffer.

also I use a custom buffer size thats fairly small so that it is filled up quickly and transmitted.. Lots of knobs to turn.



New Member
ok thank you will definitely try this, but mine looks a lot different than yours...


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