64 % of cpu usage and 15 fps on a high end computer


New Member
im using a very good pc setup. so my expectations are high on obs. but i have to fight with issues.

R9 5900x
128 gb ddr4 3200
Zotac 4090 Trinity OC

I rendered some videos for my stream. Animated Logos and overlays mad by after effects with saber effect. I know they are very hard to render and huge thats why i changed them to webm files. im also using glow and shadow filter for my cam and these logos. And yes a lot of people here will say this is too much ... i also made a vertical canvas fpr TT with same sources.

OBS uis using 64 % of the cpu. thats huge i know. and my fps is always between 15 and 31. Is there anything i can do that this hi pressure get released for my system. in the past i also made complicated overly setups and it was never a problem.

I post the current log

maybe somebody can give me some good advises. im running out of ideas....



Active Member
Filters tend to be resource heavy.

There doesn't appear to be an encoding session in that log but there is lots of errors.

20:09:55.805: Game DVR: On > Off

Run the 2nd & 3rd monitors @ 120 or 60 instead of 144HZ

MIA, you have some elements of StreamFX in play.
20:09:57.471: LoadLibrary failed for 'C:\ProgramData\obs-studio/plugins/StreamFX/bin/64bit/StreamFX.dll': (null) (126)
20:09:57.472: Module 'C:\ProgramData\obs-studio/plugins/StreamFX/bin/64bit/StreamFX.dll' not loaded

Look at your log there's line after line of SE/Overlay/Java Script errors, Virtual Devices failing, all of it just wasting resources.
21:21:26.112: starting virtual-output failed
21:24:55.781: Last log entry repeated for 7867 more lines

Rendering lag is GPU overload.
20:57:29.158: Output 'virtualcam_output_filter': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 72 (97.3%)