Question / Help 4K60 Pro Elgato + OBS Recording Issues


Maybe try to set record encoder to "Use Stream encoder" then on the streaming settings, set to NVENC with a large bitrate of maybe 30000 Kbps. Anything different here?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I don't believe the OP is trying to stream and record, just record. You can set recording bitrates if you use CBR/VBR as the rate control method. Additionally, 30,000 kbps isn't that large for 4K@60fps. YouTube's recommended range maxes out at 51,000 kbps, and the OP earlier indicated that they were using 120,000 kbps in Shadowplay (or whatever Nvidia calls it these days).


Forum Admin
Alright, I've talked it over with Elgato, and we're going for a drastic approach here to identify if the issue is something with OBS, or your system.

They confirmed that their software uses the same DirectShow interface that is exposed to OBS, so there HAS to be something going on there. Can you grab the trial version of xSplit and test the capture card there if you have the same kind of performance issues?

Sorry for taking so long to get back, it's been a few days of back and forth with Elgato and myself.


New Member
Nice thread, helped me figuring out what's wrong with 4k 60fps recording on my pc.
Tried hard many settings combinations but fps wasn't good, like 20-30.

04:11:29.114: ==== Recording Stop ================================================
04:28:17.996: Starting recording due to hotkey
04:28:18.007: ---------------------------------
04:28:18.007: [NVENC encoder: 'recording_h264'] settings:
04:28:18.007: rate_control: CQP
04:28:18.007: bitrate: 0
04:28:18.007: cqp: 22
04:28:18.007: keyint: 250
04:28:18.007: preset: hp
04:28:18.007: profile: high
04:28:18.007: level: auto
04:28:18.007: width: 3440
04:28:18.007: height: 1440
04:28:18.007: 2-pass: false
04:28:18.007: b-frames: 2
04:28:18.007: GPU: 1
04:28:18.486: [CoreAudio AAC: 'Track1']: settings:
04:28:18.486: mode: AAC
04:28:18.486: bitrate: 160
04:28:18.486: sample rate: 44100
04:28:18.486: cbr: on
04:28:18.486: output buffer: 1536
04:28:18.495: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
04:28:18.495: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'C:/capture/2018-07-21 04-28-18.mp4'...
04:34:39.787: Stopping recording due to hotkey
04:34:40.080: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Output of file 'C:/capture/2018-07-21 04-28-18.mp4' stopped
04:34:40.080: Output 'adv_file_output': stopping
04:34:40.080: Output 'adv_file_output': Total frames output: 22882
04:34:40.080: Output 'adv_file_output': Total drawn frames: 22894 (22896 attempted)
04:34:40.080: Output 'adv_file_output': Number of lagged frames due to rendering lag/stalls: 2 (0.0%)
04:34:40.082: ==== Recording Stop ================================================

And finally I got nice fps while switched GPU to second card (I got 2x1070, and second one I'm preferably using for physX).
With using of 1st GPU card I got a lot of dropping frames. I guess it's happening when running game loads GPU too much.

CPU: Intel I7 8700K
GPU: 2x1070 Gigabyte SLI
SSD: Samsung 970 pro 1Tb
OS: Windows 10x64
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New Member
This thread was a joy to read! I have the same issue with OBS and just resorted to using the 4K capture utility for recording but somehow it screwed me today as I recorded a bunch of gameplay and its all laggy and horrible. Trying to find a fix for the footage.


Active Member
30Mbps is what I record 1080p60 at. For 4K, I'd quadruple that. 350Mbps seems excessive for 4K, completely wrong for 1080p.