Question / Help 144/120Hz Recording Issue

Christian Benson

New Member
So ever since I bought this monitor I have been having a problem recording games at 60Fps for the simple fact that it would always lag in game when I did things such as turn even on the preset ULTRAFAST so I have no idea why this is happening because I have pretty much tried everything including NVenc but for anyone who has had this problem and fixed it it would be much appreciated if you would help and here is my latest Obs log file thanks guys :).

Christian Benson

New Member
Sorry if this seems like a noobish question but how would I go about doing that? When you say video are you talking about actual recording from in game sorry about the noobish question.


New Member
No worrys bro, XD! In the obs configs! Just follow the link steps i setn you!
Most of the people as problems finding infromations!

Christian Benson

New Member
Thanks lol and Vitas what link I don't see one? And Mroczny what should my max bit rate and buffer size be for the quicksync setting? And if I am completely misunderstanding the things your saying Vitas Im sorry I am VERY tired lol
Thanks lol and Vitas what link I don't see one? And Mroczny what should my max bit rate and buffer size be for the quicksync setting? And if I am completely misunderstanding the things your saying Vitas Im sorry I am VERY tired lol

check the screenshots in linked post. icq mode automatically adapts bitrate in recording - no need to touch it.

Christian Benson

New Member
So I adjusted my obs to look exactly like that and it still appears to be happening but I am going to render it really quick and upload it to youtube to look there because I have been told by multiple people that Windows media player is a terrible way to look at recordings so Ill send you the link in a moment and tell me if you notice the turning lag