webcam sync issues

  1. M

    Question / Help Automatic webcam change

    Hello, I have a question I am hosting a lanparty, and we are doing the finals on stage. And we want to use 10 Logitech webcams for this, the only problem we find is that we don't know how to use the webcam's. We want to use in CSGO or League of Legends the spectator mode and automatic change the...
  2. RavenChan1023

    Question / Help [SOLVED] Gameplay and Webcam are out of sync

    I'm trying to record a game with OBS, and the problem I keep running into is that my webcam ends up recording in 15fps while I have my video recording at 30 and because of that, when I check the video the webcam ends up out of sync with the video. I've tried changing the framerate settings for...
  3. inadub

    Question / Help Audio Sync issues

    Hey guys after reading some posts I found info that seemed like it would help and tried some changes, but they seemed to completely crash my stream so I reset back to default but am still having a slight audio sync issue. So really quick I use an ElgatoHD to connect my PS4 to my PC that OBS is...