I have a Windows virtual machine which I want to use to stream on Twitch since the laptop I use is pretty bad. Is there anyway I can stream my games to the virtual machine first so that it can then stream it to Twitch? They are not on the same network so NDI doesn't work :(.
Log: https://obsproject.com/logs/9QuPtSaZxfnjncVj
Hello! I've installed the v4l2loopback module as instructed using `sudo apt -y install v4l2loopback-dkms v4l2loopback-utils linux-modules-extra-$(uname -r)` (from this link) to set up OBS' virtual camera. I've also run the `sudo modprobe...
I want to help a friend to make the best out of his OBS for streaming, so I asked him to export the settings and profile to me and pass me the model of his MacBook.
As I'm waiting for this, I was looking for ways to have a more precise data to achieve the best results for his computer.
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