
  1. Z

    How to fix Program: Scene being really small

    Here you can see that my screen should be Discord but the output is just... tiny. I need help
  2. G

    Stream shows only a small center portion on YouTube

    We've used OBS and YouTube for quite some time to stream our church's services to our homebound members. JUST RECENTLY, the stream looks fine locally (in preview, and on the monitor in an adjoining room) but YouTube shows just a small center portion of the output. I'm technically capable, but...

    Okay, I need help :/ ... amdgpu-pro pixelation

    I'm having this problem : (pixelated, unreadable) The XSHM method works well, but the problem is that I don't want to capture the entire screen. If there was a way of capturing only a window by the XSHM method it would be awesome. But I really can't use it as it is (full screen), there are...