problem video

  1. Hubi [PL]

    Question / Help I have problems with Obs i have black screen and nothing rly helping me

    im using gaming laptop with two monitors. i have geforce gtx960m i don't have idea what else can i do. i need help ! i love streaming on obs.
  2. MI10710Official

    Question / Help green screen in recording

    when i record the game its fine but when i watch it then theres green Game:fnaf fangame
  3. V

    Question / Help Having problems with streming in YouTube

    Hi everyone, First of all sorry for my english I'm not a native speaker. I'm desperated with OBS Studio: i'm trying to do a stream of Generation Zero on YouTube, but i've tested most of all configurations and the video doesn't seem fluid. - I've tried changing between Nvenc, x264 and QuickSync...
  4. A

    Question / Help My game recording are lagging even though my game is not.

    I recently downloaded OBS and started using it. This is honestly my first time actually experiencing the software and kinda need help. I was trying to record my game and it was all good but then I went to play it back and noticed the video was lagging/fragmented. The sound was completely fine...