please help

  1. B

    Question / Help Need help please concerning recording/saving files!

    So, two days ago I was recording something. The file format was set to flv. I closed OBS without hitting “Stop Recording.” Now, I cant seem to find the footage. If I close OBS without stopping the recording is the footage lost? Does is save automatically? Is the footage corrupted? Any feedback...
  2. M

    Question / Help Can't open video

    Hi. I recorded a testing video since this is my first time using this, and when I try to open the video, it can't open. I'm on a laptop, too.
  3. C

    Question / Help Encoding Overloaded Frame Drops Error (PLEASE HELP)

    I don't know what's been going on as of late with my OBS application, I've been streaming for many months using OBS and it's been fine, absolutely zero FPS drops. Lately however, I can't go five minutes without FPS drops! It seems to only happen when I'm on my main gaming screen, but it's never...
  4. L

    Question / Help Massive frame drops ONLY with original Skyrim

    Log file: Hello Everyone, First off, Im new here and I apologize if this is the wrong forum for this, I will glady repost elsewhere if need be. As the title indicates, I get massive frame drops but only with the original Skyrim (meaning not Skyrim...
  5. A

    Question / Help Having Troubles With OBS

    1. Vegas Isnt Working with OBS: If there is a way to fix this, please SHOW me how. 2. Whenever I record a Video and look at my Recordings, It Shows a Internet Explorer ICON Ontop of the Title | I Go to recordings and it just shows me the ICON, It also doesnt let me edit the video in Sony Vegas...
  6. P

    Bug Report OBS Keeps Crashing on Close

    Whenever I go into another application to record it OBS crashes. This has never happened to me since yesterday. It started when I got the newest version of OBS. I have tried many things. I've taken out my browser sources to see if any of them were the problem. That didn't help so I deleted OBS...