obs stream crash

  1. S

    OBS crashes during stream, 6 months and no answer!!

    Hello! I feel like I'm going crazy. I've been trying almost everything I read in these forums and yet I can barely go through a single stream on Twitch without several crashes. What happens is that the Bitrate on my StreamManager on Twitch will go from glowing green to grey abruptly and OBS is...
  2. N

    StreamElements OBS crashing

    Hello, My stream elements obs has crashed three times in the last three days around the 11 hour mark of my stream. I didn't get a prompt on the first two crashes. On the third crash, I was trying to save a replay through the buffer in obs and I got a notification that it could not be saved and...
  3. L

    Stream crashes (twitch) but obs still shows I'm live?

    Hello i have been streaming for quite some time i used to use streamlabs and had the same issue with crashing but getting no lag or information notifying or warning me that a crash was coming. So i moved to OBS thinking it could be the program and it happens here also. i have pretty constant...
  4. Z

    AMD H264 Encoder overloading while mid stream! Please help!

    Stream crashes while using Amd's encoder on obs 30-60 minutes into the stream whereas while using x264 I haven't faced any problems with the encoder overloading. But while using H264 even if i follow the prescribed procedures to reduce output res and frame values it still crashes while streaming...