neural network

  1. royshilkrot

    Detect - Object Detection, Tracking built-in OBS v0.0.3

    A plugin that allows you to detect >80 types of objects in any source, track them and apply masking. If you like this work please consider supporting it by sponsoring us on GitHub, Patreon or OpenCollective This work uses the great contributions from EdgeYOLO-ROS and PINTO-Model-Zoo. Contact...
  2. R

    Eye Gaze correction for OBS and BEYOND (for video editors TOO)

    Hi guys, thanks for taking a time reading this thread. Okay, let me get to the point. I am a budget content creator/livestreamer. I notice that sometimes when shooting or live streaming, my eye gaze is not looking into the camera (most reason because I read script on the side of camera). Yes, I...