Eye Gaze correction for OBS and BEYOND (for video editors TOO)


Hi guys,
thanks for taking a time reading this thread. Okay, let me get to the point. I am a budget content creator/livestreamer. I notice that sometimes when shooting or live streaming, my eye gaze is not looking into the camera (most reason because I read script on the side of camera). Yes, I know, this could be easily solved with teleprompter. However, these things are heck expensive. Then I came up with a thought that this actually could be done with AI and machine learning. Some company already done it such as Apple on their FaceTime and Microsoft on their surface X laptop. But for OBS users, it could be a filter or a standalone program for post production.

But, on the Internet, I could only find another example like a student project from GitHub like this one and this one. But, heck I cannot understand how to run their codes. So, why is this important? I'm pretty sure a tools like this can help content creators that having a hard time to speak in front of camera like me. Especially in this pandemic, my brain shrunk that I lost my social ability to memorize long scripts. And potentially, this feature could be a game changer, maybe google will hire you after this (jk, but who knows).
Thanks for your time!