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Supported Platforms
  1. Windows
  2. Mac OS X
  3. Linux
⚠️ Stalled ⚠️ This project is not under active development

A plugin that allows you to detect >80 types of objects in any source, track them and apply masking.
This work uses the great contributions from EdgeYOLO-ROS and PINTO-Model-Zoo.


  • Add the "Detect" filter to any source with an image (Media, Browser, VLC, Image, etc.)
  • Enable "Masking" or "Tracking"
detect new (1).png
(2 minutes)​
Use Detect or track your pet or blur out people in your video!

See a tutorial in Spanish by Angel Mendez


Current features:
  • Detect over 80 categories of objects, using an efficient model (EdgeYOLO)
  • 3 Model sizes: Small, Medium and Large
  • Face detection model, fast and efficient (YuNet)
  • Load custom ONNX detection models from disk
  • Filter by: Minimal Detection confidence, Object category (e.g. only "Person"), Object Minimal Size
  • Masking: Blur, Pixelate, Solid color, Transparent, output binary mask (combine with other plugins!)
  • Tracking: Single object / Biggest / Oldest / All objects, Zoom factor, smooth transition
  • SORT algorithm for tracking smoothness and continuity
  • Save detections to file in real-time, for integrations e.g. with
Roadmap features:
  • Precise object mask, beyond bounding box
  • Multiple object category selection (e.g. Dog + Cat + Duck)
  • Make available detection information for other plugins through settings
  • Like
Reactions: Karate9
First release
Last update
4.80 star(s) 5 ratings

More resources from royshilkrot

Latest updates

  1. v0.0.3 - Many new features! Face detection, Pixelate, File save, SORT algo, more...

    Big Release! With so many new features: Face detection algorithm! Based on the very fast YuNet...
  2. v0.0.2 - External custom models!

    Adding the ability to load external custom models! Also adding documentation on how to train...

Latest reviews

Could be very helpful to ASSOCIATE tracking datas to a PNG, SourceClone, Video, Whateverelse that could follow the tracking point.
(with a slider with distance and angle from the tracking point)

Then would be the Plugin of the Year!!!
Can you add a option to put a image (just a static image or a obs image source) over the detected objects/faces like you can do with deface ( ) instead of just blackout or blur them? That would be amazing!
put VISCA PTZ protocol to move the camera through the plugin references and in a zoom object, option to choose which person to track
How do you connect to the camera for ptz? Over IP or over USB?
There are visca ptz implementations for different cameras so I need to know where to start
Awesome plugin, runs great on my proxy server! I Really wish there was a dedicated 'face' detection though. Would be great for IRL streams. As far as I see right now, it's 'person' which is a bit excessive.
Detection works flawless it seems, atleast for cars on a racetrack!
The day you add PTZ controls i will absolutly adore you!
Thanks for the review !
What do you mean by ptz controls? Like controlling a PTZ camera? I'm happy to discuss in the discord server