
  1. S

    Question / Help Resolution issue

    Hey, so I've been using the GC553 for ages now with OBS to capture my xbox one x gameplay and had no issues. I recently bought a new 4k LG monitor and am having a few resolution issues. If I capture in the recommended res of 1920 x 1080, the image in obs is fine when playing games that use hdr...
  2. Jose Tortola

    HDR Video source - Tonemapping to SDR stream

    First of all, I'm sorry if this is not the place to ask for this. I'm using a dual-PC setup, one PC playing in 4K HDR 60 FPS, other PC with Avermedia Live Gamer 4K to passthrough the video to my monitor and capturing that video. OBS Studio to stream that video to Twitch at 6000kbps 1080p 60FPS...