fps bajos

  1. L

    Help!! dropped frames due to processing delay

    Hi, good morning. I've had this problem for several months in my streams. It looks blurry when I move the camera erratically. I see in the statistics frame loss due to processing delay and the average time to process a frame always in red. I don't know what to do anymore, I tried several things...
  2. LordEspellma

    Obs is stealing fps in all games and apps

    Hi, does anyone know why when I want to stream any game I start to get fps drops in the game itself, but the stream goes very well without a problem. I have not been able to find a solution, because my problem isn't my stream, but the game that I am capturing. I don´t know do with this Obs is...
  3. LordEspellma

    Obs is stealing fps in all games and apps

    Hi, does anyone know why when I want to stream any game I start to get fps drops in the game itself, but the stream goes very well without a problem. I have not been able to find a solution, because my problem isn't my stream, but the game that I am capturing. I don´t know do with this Obs is...
  4. S

    Caidas de Fps al abrir solo OBS

    Hola hace unos 8 días que cuando abro el OBS caen los fps a 30 solo con el programa abierto, eso no me pasaba antes la verdad que ya probe de todo y nose que puede ser .... espero una pronta ayuda mi setup : Ryzen 7 3700x - RTX 2060 - 32gb de ram
  5. G

    No encuentro el error de los tirones

    Buenos días a todos, Resulta que cuando intento hacer directos desde obs por mucho que baje la calidad, por mucho que baje los fps de salida y verme mil tutoriales me sigue yendo a tirones el stream. Os pongo mi pc. CPU: I7 12700 4.9 GHZ TARJETA GRÁFICA: RTX 2070 WINDOFORCE 2X 8 GB GDDR6 RAM...
  6. Soy Level Max

    Obs me quita FPS

    Hola Alguien tiene el problema de que al abrir OBS (solo abrirlo, incluso en modo Admin) los juegos bajan un 40% o mas de FPS? Por ejemplo, en Far Cry 6, lo juego a 60fps de forma constante, pero al abrir OBS me baja a 30 o menos FPS. No es el único juego que me pasa este problema. Tendré...
  7. L

    Tengo problemas con mi transmisión de OBS (Cuadro ROJO, perdida de fps)

    Tengo un problema con mi obs, lo uso para transmitir en twich. En esta semana busque como poder solucionar mi problema en youtube o en foros y en ningún lugar aparece mi problema en específico. Todos los lugares dicen que baje la taza de bits rate, la resolución de emisión o los fps de 60 a 30...
  8. S

    I need help with my FPS and PC uses

    Hello my name is Sebastián. I am from México and I need a little help Before I update my pc and OBS program, I could make an stream like 30Fps with a good quality. Then I updated and when I start the programs, the cpu porcentage is like 20% 30% and the FPS are 60 ( when I not use game capture (...
  9. K

    Bug Report In-game FPS drops when opening OBS

    Lately I am experiencing a drop in FPS in games when opening the OBS to stream. But even when opening the OBS without streaming, the FPS drops a lot. I hope you can help me.
  10. F

    Question / Help Fps problems

    Hello, my name is facundo, I have a problem with the OBS Streamlabs, I have an FPS download when I open the program, for example: I open Overwach, it runs at more than 200fps, I have a monitor at 165hz and everything is fine, but when I open OBS the game feels like it's at 60fps but the FPS...
  11. L

    Question / Help FPS crashes when playing and streaming! HELP

    Buenas noches, necesito ayuda para configurar mi obs. He intentado casi toda la configuración, la resolución y la cantidad de fps a lo que se puede transmitir y siempre me equivoco cuando toco, tengo uno: gtx1070ti y un i5-8400, 12Gb RAM, 60mb abajo y 6 arriba, creo que deberíamos hacer la...