fit canvas

  1. V

    Base [Canvas] Resolution and Output Resolution - Limited by Canvas Border?

    Out of curiosity, and to ensure I minimize the amount of post-production work I have to do, when broadcasting and/or recording using OBS, am I correct is saying that the ONLY output from OBS is what appears within the confines of the Canvas window? Irrespective of resolutions chosen? There's no...
  2. R

    How can I record my whole canvas for a speed painting video?

    I want to use obs for recording a speedpaint, but zooming in and out and moving around makes it harder to follow. I want to work/draw zooming and moving, but I want the result to be the canvas that shows the progress, much like a not moving white canvas where the artwork appears throughout the...
  3. D

    Question / Help Capturing window creates black bars

    Hello, I'm trying to capture a window. I do so with a window capture source. However, window capture does not capture the top of the window (that's where the the name of the program, icon, and close/minimize buttons are) and the margins, but only the contents. This means those spots are now...