dedicated pc obs settings

  1. T

    Best OBS settings for an old PC

    hello everyone, so im trying hardly to find the best settings for my obs recorder, everytime i record my video of any game (and when there's a message that's says "video overload") the video turn out very bad fps like 3fps. So that is my pc settings: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz...
  2. C

    Question / Help OBS CRASH AFTER ARROUND 15m/1h RUN

    i have Dedicated streaming pc and i just cant get it to work. would love to hear some healp from you all. THANKS
  3. F

    Question / Help Dedicated Stream PC Settings

    I Made tons of search about this but i couldnt fix my problem. i noted every single settings on attached file and im looking for your helps. Q1: (Look Pdf file first please) With these settings when I’m playing Heroes of the Strom mostly twitch display freezes for 5 seconds. I’m checking...