
  1. S

    problem codec NVIDIA NVENC H.264 (Deprecated)?

    Well, look, when I open the obs and look at the output, I get this configuration, and when I change it, everything resets and I have to do it again, but in recording it doesn't handle this, I already updated the drivers, but it still continues, any help?
  2. L

    Falha ao iniciar o codificador // transmissão conectando e desconectando // microsoft visual c++

    Configurações do notebook: Notebook LG R480-L Windows 7 Professional 32-bits SP1 Pentium Dual-Core CPU T4300 @ 2.10GHz, 3GB RAM, Mobile Intel 4 Series Express Chipset Family Encoder: x264 Boa tarde pessoal, estou com um problema quando vou abrir o assistente de configuração, seleciono otimizar...