You can now use Shakr video templates to make overlay videos for your live stream!

You’ve probably watched a live stream recently, and you may have noticed, before they start, they have an image or video teasing their live video. Throughout the live stream they also have overlay underneath and at the end another overlay thanking the viewers for tuning in or promoting the next live stream theme.

Video Overlays allows you to add production value and enhance the viewer experience of your live streams. You can add your logo or a countdown to the corner of your live stream or put up the name of a speaker with a lower third video design. Video overlays can be a great way to recognize sponsors, promote upcoming activities, or feature advertisements.

Step 1: Edit your templates.
Step 2: Download your video
Step 3: Open up to OBS, Click (+) under “Sources” window. A popup menu will appear starting with Audio Input Capture. Click on “Media Source”. A prompt will appear to create a Media Source, click OK.
Step 4: Adjusting accordingly.

Check out our live stream collection.
Looking for more instructions on how to rock your Live stream check out our blog post!

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