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OBS Lua Local Stream Marker v1.10

This script allows you to use a hotkey to create stream markers or bookmarks for streams and recordings made on OBS.

Twitch has this function called Add Stream Marker where you can add bookmarks to your livestream for review later. With this script, you can have stream markers for any video made with OBS even if you're not streaming! The stream markers will be saved in a CSV file (comma separated values). You can open this with a spreadsheet application like Microsoft Excel, Google Sheets and the like. You may also open it with text editors like Notepad.

Five (5) columns will be made:
  • Date and time when the stream mark was made
  • Date and time when the stream started (if streaming)
  • Timestamp of the stream (if streaming)
  • Date and time when the recording started (if recording) - this will be in the format of the default format OBS uses to name your recordings
  • Timestamp of the recording (if recording)
I know that there are better and more useful plugins and scripts out there. I primarily created this one to study the LUA language and to know how to dig deeper into OBS. I just uploaded this to share if anybody's interested. Thank you very much.

1. Download the ZIP file. You will only need local-stream-marker.lua. The others are just there for reading if you're bored.
1. In OBS, go to Tools -> Scripts.
3. Add the local-stream-marker.lua script: In the Scripts tab, click on + sign and browse to where this file is.
4. In the Output Folder text box, specify the path where you want the output file (CSV) to be created. If this is not specified, the CSV file will be saved in the same folder as the script.
5. The Set Marker button you see in this window is just here if you want to test this function while you don't have a hotkey set.
6. Once you're done with this window, go to Settings -> Hotkeys and look for the [Local Stream Marker] Add stream mark hotkey and add your specify your preferred hotkey.

I would appreciate any support you send. If this has somehow made you smile, made your day brighter, or made your work easier and faster, please feel free to send me a smile, coffee, pizza, a gamepad, t-shirt, or anything! Your support means a lot to me as it will help cover a lot of costs. Thank you!

Please feel free to join me on Discord!

This app is intended to be help you in your content creation workflow. If you find that this is not the case, feel free to remove this script from OBS, delete it, and purge it from your memory; or maybe drop by the OBS forums or my Discord and send some suggestions. Thank you!
First release
Last update
4.67 star(s) 3 ratings

Latest updates

  1. v1.10

    Updated documentation in the file and the script Fixed an error related to Hybrid MP4...
  2. v1.9

    Added Added a "Show debug log" to display log entries in OBS > Scripts > Script Log Fixed If...
  3. v1.8

    Added Added an "Marker end" function with its own hotkey. Thanks, EmKeii! Added 3 new columns...

Latest reviews

This is probably the only efficient way to keep track of highlights silently during stream, works flawlessly!
I appreciate you and your feedback!
Works as intended, quite helpful. I record while streaming so this is very useful to help dig through several hours of footage
Thank you very much for this feedback! I have yet to check if this works perfectly with OBS 28 without issues though.