

Keyviz is a free and open-source software to visualize your ⌨️ keystrokes in real time! Let your audience know what handy shortcuts/keys you're pressing during screencasts, presentations, collaborations, or whenever you need it.



Don't restrain yourself to just black & white! Change the visualization's style, size, color (modifier and normal keys), border, icon, and symbols.

⚙️ Fully Customizable​


Powerful and easy-to-use configuration options.
  • Filter hotkeys and only display shortcuts ✂️.
  • Shift symbols, i.e. display # when Shift + 3 is pressed.
  • Show/hide previously pressed keys.
  • Adjust the visualization position on the screen .
  • Set the duration ⌛ for which the visualization lingers on the screen before animating out.
  • Choose from catchy animation presets to animate your visualization in and out.

Quickstart Guide​

️ You can check out this video tutorial as well.

To get started, download the latest version of the keyviz installer from the above link or here. You can start visualizing your keystrokes by just running the application.
To open the settings window, find the keyviz icon on the right side of the Taskbar or Taskbar > Hidden Icons. Then click on the icon and select Settings. The settings window will appear from which, you customize the style, appearance, and other general settings of the visualization.
First release
Last update
4.50 star(s) 2 ratings

Latest updates

  1. v1.0.6

    Improvements #39 pop the context menu by right-clicking on the tray icon 2600c52 ⏸️...

Latest reviews

Keyviz is the ideal keystroke visualizer for my needs. It features easy-to-read, modern, and fluid key displays, and is highly customizable. Additionally, it works seamlessly on macOS and offers a generous range of settings, allowing for extensive tweaking. Well done!
Keyviz has good graphics and animations, it's easy to add to OBS, and works as expected.